Cristiano Lanni
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Simulated effect of soil depth and bedrock topography on near‐surface hydrologic response and slope stability
C Lanni, J McDonnell, L Hopp, R Rigon
Earth surface processes and landforms 38 (2), 146-159, 2013
Modelling shallow landslide susceptibility by means of a subsurface flow path connectivity index and estimates of soil depth spatial distribution
C Lanni, M Borga, R Rigon, P Tarolli
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 3959-3971, 2012
On the relative role of upslope and downslope topography for describing water flow path and storage dynamics: a theoretical analysis
C Lanni, JJ McDonnell, R Rigon
Hydrological Processes 25 (25), 3909-3923, 2011
Analysis of the effect of normal and lateral subsurface water flow on the triggering of shallow landslides with a distributed hydrological model.
C Lanni, E Cordano, R Rigon, A Tarantino
from geomorphology mapping to dynamic modelling, 2009
Suitability of mono-and two-phase modeling of debris flows for the assessment of granular debris flow hazards: Insights from a case study
C Lanni, B Mazzorana, P Macconi, R Bertagnolli
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
Hydrological controls on the triggering of shallow landslides: from local to landscape scale
C Lanni
University of Trento, 2012
Modelling catchment-scale shallow landslide occurrence by means of a subsurface flow path connectivity index.
C Lanni, M Borga, R Rigon, P Tarolli
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 9 (3), 2012
Material intrusion as a key factor for the physical vulnerability of the built environment to debris flows
B Mazzorana, S Simoni, J Kobald, O Formaggioni, C Lanni
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 5: Urban Geology …, 2015
A comprehensive multi-scenario based approach for a reliable flood-hazard assessment: a case-study application
C Lanni, B Mazzorana, C Volcan, R Bertagnolli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10100, 2015
Improvement of a free software tool for the assessment of sediment connectivity
S Crema, C Lanni, B Goldin, L Marchi, M Cavalli
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7652, 2015
Interactive comment on “Modelling catchment-scale shallow landslide occurrence by means of a subsurface flow path connectivity index” by C. Lanni et al.
C Lanni
Modeling soil-moisture storage distribution using a dynamic topographic wetness index
C Lanni, R Rigon, JJ McDonnell
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H11G-0899, 2010
On the Spatial organization of mass wasting initiation and deposition and about some missing features in landscape evolution models
R Rigon, C Lanni, A Vigano
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3380, 2010
Effects Of Bedrock Shape And Hillslope Gradient On The Pore-Water Pressure Development: Implication For Slope Stability
C Lanni, J McDonnell
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15286, 2010
The role of hillslope topography on shallow landslides activation and basin saturation propensity
C Lanni, I Pretto, R Rigon
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, NH41C-1254, 2009
Lo studio delle frane superficiali del Comune di Lerici (La Spezia)
P Petri, C Lanni, S Buononato, M Zanieri
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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