Luca Roversi
Cited by
Cited by
Intuitionistic light affine logic
A Asperti, L Roversi
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 3 (1), 137-175, 2002
Light affine logic
A Asperti
Proceedings. Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science …, 1998
Directed hypergraphs: Problems, algorithmic results, and a novel decremental approach
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
A LTS semantics of ambients via graph synchronization with mobility
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, GL Ferrari, U Montanari, E Tuosto
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Lambda calculus and intuitionistic linear logic
SR Della Rocca, L Roversi
Studia Logica 59, 417-448, 1997
L'épreuve des inégalités
H Lagrange
PUF, 2015
A P-time completeness proof for light logics
L Roversi
Computer Science Logic: 13th International Workshop, CSL’99 8th Annual …, 1999
Intersection logic
SR Della Rocca, L Roversi
International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, 414-429, 2001
The call-by-value λ-calculus: a semantic investigation
A Pravato, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi
Mathematical structures in computer science 9 (05), 617-650, 1999
Filter models and easy terms
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, F Alessi, M Dezani-Ciancaglini, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Call-by-value separability and computability
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, L Paolini
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
On synchronous and asynchronous communication paradigms
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, D Cacciagrano, F Corradini
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Distance constrained labeling of precolored trees
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, J Fiala, J Kratochvíl, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Reasoning about complex actions with incomplete knowledge: a modal approach
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, M Baldoni, L Giordano, A Martelli, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
E-unifiability via narrowing
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, E Viola
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
On a class of reversible primitive recursive functions and its turing-complete extensions
L Paolini, M Piccolo, L Roversi
New Generation Computing 36 (3), 233-256, 2018
P systems with gemmation of mobile membranes
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, D Besozzi, C Zandron, G Mauri, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Intersection types from a proof-theoretic perspective
E Pimentel, S Ronchi Della Rocca, L Roversi
Fundamenta Informaticae 121 (1-4), 253-274, 2012
Coupon Collectors, q-Binomial Coefficients and the Unsatisfiability Threshold
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, AC Kaporis, LM Kirousis, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
A class of reversible primitive recursive functions
L Paolini, M Piccolo, L Roversi
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 322, 227-242, 2016
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Articles 1–20