Michele Riva
Michele Riva
Senior Scientist, Institut für Angewandte Physik, TU-Wien
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Cited by
Reactive metal–oxide interfaces: A microscopic view
A Picone, M Riva, A Brambilla, A Calloni, G Bussetti, M Finazzi, F Ciccacci, ...
Surface Science Reports 71 (1), 32-76, 2016
Influence of surface atomic structure demonstrated on oxygen incorporation mechanism at a model perovskite oxide
M Riva, M Kubicek, X Hao, G Franceschi, S Gerhold, M Schmid, H Hutter, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3710, 2018
Stable alignment of tautomers at room temperature in porphyrin 2D layers
G Bussetti, M Campione, M Riva, A Picone, L Raimondo, L Ferraro, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (7), 958-963, 2014
Surface Complexions Identified through Machine Learning and Surface Investigations
J Timmermann, F Kraushofer, N Resch, P Li, Y Wang, Z Mao, M Riva, ...
Physical review letters 125 (20), 206101, 2020
Stability and Catalytic Performance of Reconstructed Fe3O4(001) and Fe3O4(110) Surfaces during Oxygen Evolution Reaction
M Müllner, M Riva, F Kraushofer, M Schmid, GS Parkinson, SFL Mertens, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), 8304-8311, 2018
Adjusting island density and morphology of the SrTiO3 (110)-(4× 1) surface: Pulsed laser deposition combined with scanning tunneling microscopy
S Gerhold, M Riva, B Yildiz, M Schmid, U Diebold
Surface Science 651, 76-83, 2016
Self-organized chromium oxide monolayers on Fe (001)
A Picone, G Fratesi, M Riva, G Bussetti, A Calloni, A Brambilla, MI Trioni, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (8), 085403, 2013
Controlling the Electronic and Structural Coupling of C60 Nano Films on Fe(001) through Oxygen Adsorption at the Interface
A Picone, D Giannotti, M Riva, A Calloni, G Bussetti, G Berti, L Duò, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (39), 26418-26424, 2016
Enhanced atom mobility on the surface of a metastable film
A Picone, M Riva, G Fratesi, A Brambilla, G Bussetti, M Finazzi, L Duo, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (4), 046102, 2014
Quest for a pristine unreconstructed surface: An atomically resolved study via noncontact atomic force microscopy
I Sokolović, G Franceschi, Z Wang, J Xu, J Pavelec, M Riva, M Schmid, ...
Physical Review B 103 (24), L241406, 2021
Ni-modified Fe3O4 (001) surface as a simple model system for understanding the oxygen evolution reaction
F Mirabella, M Müllner, T Touzalin, M Riva, Z Jakub, F Kraushofer, ...
Electrochimica Acta 389, 138638, 2021
Pushing the detection of cation nonstoichiometry to the limit
M Riva, G Franceschi, Q Lu, M Schmid, B Yildiz, U Diebold
Physical Review Materials 3 (4), 043802, 2019
Electron spectroscopy investigation of the oxidation of ultra-thin films of Ni and Cr on Fe (0 0 1)
A Calloni, G Berti, A Brambilla, M Riva, A Picone, G Bussetti, M Finazzi, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (44), 445001, 2014
Growth of (111) thin films with optimized surfaces
G Franceschi, M Wagner, J Hofinger, T Krajňák, M Schmid, U Diebold, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (10), 103403, 2019
Single Rh Adatoms Stabilized on α-Fe2O3(11̅02) by Coadsorbed Water
F Kraushofer, L Haager, M Eder, A Rafsanjani-Abbasi, Z Jakub, ...
ACS Energy Letters 7 (1), 375-380, 2021
A Model System for Photocatalysis: Ti-Doped α-Fe2O3(11̅02) Single-Crystalline Films
G Franceschi, F Kraushofer, M Meier, GS Parkinson, M Schmid, U Diebold, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (9), 3753-3764, 2020
Atomically resolved surface phases of La 0.8 Sr 0.2 MnO 3 (110) thin films
G Franceschi, M Schmid, U Diebold, M Riva
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (43), 22947-22961, 2020
Oxygen-assisted Ni growth on Fe (001): Observation of an “anti-surfactant” effect
A Picone, G Bussetti, M Riva, A Calloni, A Brambilla, L Duo, F Ciccacci, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075465, 2012
Fe3O4 (110)–(1× 3) revisited: Periodic (111) nanofacets
GS Parkinson, P Lackner, O Gamba, S Maaß, S Gerhold, M Riva, R Bliem, ...
Surface Science 649, L120-L123, 2016
Nickel-Oxide-Modified SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1) Surfaces and Their Interaction with Water
S Gerhold, M Riva, Z Wang, R Bliem, M Wagner, J Osiecki, K Schulte, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (35), 20481-20487, 2015
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Articles 1–20