Pau Baizan
Pau Baizan
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Leaving home in Europe: The experience of cohorts born around 1960
FC Billari, D Philipov, P Baizán
International Journal of Population Geography 7 (5), 339-356, 2001
Cohabitation, marriage, and first birth: The interrelationship of family formation events in Spain
P Baizán, A Aassve, FC Billari
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie 19, 147-169, 2003
Regional child care availability and fertility decisions in Spain
P Baizán
Demographic Research 21, 803-842, 2009
The interrelations between cohabitation, marriage and first birth in Germany and Sweden
P Baizán, A Aassve, FC Billari
Population and environment 25, 531-561, 2004
Individual and institutional constraints: An analysis of parental leave use and duration in Spain
I Lapuerta, P Baizán, MJ González
Population Research and Policy Review 30, 185-210, 2011
The impact of the type of education and of educational enrolment on first births
T Martín-García, P Baizán
European sociological review 22 (3), 259-275, 2006
Political economy and life course patterns: The heterogeneity of occupational, family and household trajectories of young Spaniards
P Baizán, F Michielin, FC Billari
Demographic Research 6, 191-240, 2002
The effect of gender policies on fertility: The moderating role of education and normative context
P Baizan, B Arpino, CE Delclòs
European Journal of Population 32, 1-30, 2016
Reunifying versus living apart together across borders: A comparative analysis of sub-Saharan migration to Europe
C Beauchemin, J Nappa, B Schoumaker, P Baizan, A González-Ferrer, ...
International Migration Review 49 (1), 173-199, 2015
An origin and destination perspective on family reunification: The case of Senegalese couples
P Baizán, C Beauchemin, A González-Ferrer
European Journal of Population 30 (1), 65-87, 2014
Transition to adulthood in Spain
P Baizan
Transitions to adulthood in Europe, 279-312, 2001
Child-parent separations among Senegalese migrants to Europe: Migration strategies or cultural arrangements?
A González-Ferrer, P Baizán, C Beauchemin
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 643 (1 …, 2012
Age differentiation in the effect of household situation on first-time homeownership
P Feijten, CH Mulder, P Baizán
Journal of housing and the Built Environment 18, 233-255, 2003
Distance, transnational arrangements, and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian, and Congolese migrants
A González‐Ferrer, P Baizán, C Beauchemin, E Kraus, B Schoumaker, ...
International Migration Review 48 (4), 939-971, 2014
El efecto del empleo, el paro y los contratos temporales en la baja fecundidad española de los años 1990
P Baizán
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) 115 (1), 223-253, 2006
The impact of labour market status on second and higher-order births
P Baizán
Family formation and family dilemmas in contemporary Europe, 93-127, 2007
La difícil integración de los jóvenes en la edad adulta
PB Muñoz
Fundación Alternativas, 2003
Couple bargaining or socio-economic status? Why some parents spend more time with their children than others
P Baizán, M Domínguez, MJ González
European Societies 16 (1), 3-27, 2014
What drives Senegalese migration to Europe? The role of economic restructuring, labor demand, and the multiplier effect of networks
P Baizán, A González-Ferrer
Demographic Research 35, 339-380, 2016
Transitions vers l'âge adulte des générations espagnoles nées en 1940, 1950 et 1960
Genus, 233-263, 1998
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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