Michael Frandsen
Michael Frandsen
Principal Software Engineer, SRI International
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Cited by
Mobile ad hoc extensions for the internet
RG Ogier, CP Woodworth, FL Templin, BR Bellur, JA Arnold, DS Seaton, ...
US Patent 6,845,091, 2005
The CALO meeting assistant system
G Tur, A Stolcke, L Voss, S Peters, D Hakkani-Tur, J Dowding, B Favre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 18 (6), 1601-1611, 2010
Real-time speaker state analytics platform
A Tsiartas, E Shriberg, C Albright, MW Frandsen
US Patent 10,706,873, 2020
The CALO meeting speech recognition and understanding system
G Tur, A Stolcke, L Voss, J Dowding, B Favre, R Fernández, M Frampton, ...
2008 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 69-72, 2008
Methods and computer readable medium for improved radiotherapy dosimetry planning
DE Wessol, MW Frandsen, FJ Wheeler, DW Nigg
US Patent 6,965,847, 2005
SERA--An advanced treatment planning system for neutron therapy and BNCT
DW Nigg, CA Wemple, DE Wessol, FJ Wheeler, C Albright, M Cohen, ...
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 80 (CONF-990605-), 1999
Methods and computer executable instructions for rapidly calculating simulated particle transport through geometrically modeled treatment volumes having uniform volume elements …
MW Frandsen, DE Wessol, FJ Wheeler
US Patent 6,175,761, 2001
Method and apparatus for performing relational speech recognition
JF Arnold, MW Frandsen, A Venkataraman, DA Bercow, GK Myers, ...
US Patent 7,533,020, 2009
Method and apparatus for automating collaboration over communications devices
J Arnold, A Cheyer, M Frandsen, S Mason, A Onalan
US Patent App. 11/262,404, 2006
Dynaspeak: SRI’s scalable speech recognizer for embedded and mobile systems
H Franco, J Zheng, J Butzberger, F Cesari, M Frandsen, J Arnold, ...
Proc. Human Language Technology Conference, 25-30, 2002
Method and apparatus for updating information in a low-bandwidth client/server object-oriented system
J Arnold, DS Seaton, C Woodworth, M Frandsen, N Williams
US Patent App. 11/633,128, 2007
Rapid geometry interrogation for a uniform volume element-based Monte Carlo particle transport simulation
MW Frandsen
Montana State University-Bozeman, College of Engineering, 1998
“Can you give me another word for hyperbaric?”: Improving speech translation using targeted clarification questions
NF Ayan, A Mandal, M Frandsen, J Zheng, P Blasco, A Kathol, F Béchet, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Recent advances in SRI'S IraqComm™ Iraqi Arabic-English speech-to-speech translation system
M Akbacak, H Franco, M Frandsen, S Hasan, H Jameel, A Kathol, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Speech recognition engineering issues in speech to speech translation system design for low resource languages and domains
S Narayanan, PG Georgiou, A Sethy, D Wang, M Bulut, S Sundaram, ...
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Implementing SRI's Pashto speech-to-speech translation system on a smart phone
J Zheng, A Mandal, X Lei, M Frandsen, NF Ayan, D Vergyri, W Wang, ...
2010 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 133-138, 2010
Limited-domain speech-to-speech translation between English and Pashto
K Precoda, H Franco, A Dost, M Frandsen, J Fry, A Kathol, C Richey, ...
Demonstration Papers at HLT-NAACL 2004, 9-12, 2004
SERA-an advanced treatment planning system for neutron therapy
FJ Wheeler, DE Wessol, CA Wemple, DW Nigg, CL Albright, MT Cohen, ...
Rapid geometry interrogation for uniform volume element-based BNCT Monte Carlo particle transport simulation
MW Frandsen
Proc. 8^< th> Int. Symp. Neutron Capture Therapy, 2001, 2001
Sensay analyticstm: A real-time speaker-state platform
A Tsiartas, C Albright, N Bassiou, M Frandsen, I Miller, E Shriberg, J Smith, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
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Articles 1–20