David S Weiss
David S Weiss
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A quantum Newton's cradle
T Kinoshita, T Wenger, DS Weiss
Nature 440 (7086), 900-903, 2006
Observation of a one-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau gas
T Kinoshita, T Wenger, DS Weiss
Science 305 (5687), 1125-1128, 2004
Optical molasses and multilevel atoms: theory
PJ Ungar, DS Weiss, E Riis, S Chu
JOSA B 6 (11), 2058-2071, 1989
Atomic velocity selection using stimulated Raman transitions
M Kasevich, DS Weiss, E Riis, K Moler, S Kasapi, S Chu
Physical review letters 66 (18), 2297, 1991
Imaging single atoms in a three-dimensional array
KD Nelson, X Li, DS Weiss
Nature Physics 3 (8), 556-560, 2007
Splitting of high-Q Mie modes induced by light backscattering in silica microspheres
DS Weiss, V Sandoghdar, J Hare, V Lefevre-Seguin, JM Raimond, ...
Optics letters 20 (18), 1835-1837, 1995
Precision measurement of the photon recoil of an atom using atomic interferometry
DS Weiss, BC Young, S Chu
Physical review letters 70 (18), 2706, 1993
Optical molasses and multilevel atoms: experiment
DS Weiss, E Riis, Y Shevy, PJ Ungar, S Chu
JOSA B 6 (11), 2072-2083, 1989
Theoretical analysis of velocity-selective Raman transitions
K Moler, DS Weiss, M Kasevich, S Chu
Physical Review A 45 (1), 342, 1992
Local pair correlations in one-dimensional Bose gases
T Kinoshita, T Wenger, DS Weiss
Physical review letters 95 (19), 190406, 2005
Precision measurement of ℏ/m Cs based on photon recoil using laser-cooled atoms and atomic interferometry
DS Weiss, BC Young, S Chu
Applied physics B 59, 217-256, 1994
Normal-incidence reflection of slow atoms from an optical evanescent wave
MA Kasevich, DS Weiss, S Chu
Optics letters 15 (11), 607-609, 1990
Unity occupation of sites in a 3D optical lattice
MT DePue, C McCormick, SL Winoto, S Oliver, DS Weiss
Physical review letters 82 (11), 2262, 1999
Atom funnel for the production of a slow, high-density atomic beam
E Riis, DS Weiss, KA Moler, S Chu
Physical Review Letters 64 (14), 1658, 1990
All-optical Bose-Einstein condensation using a compressible crossed dipole trap
T Kinoshita, T Wenger, DS Weiss
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (1), 011602, 2005
Single-qubit gates based on targeted phase shifts in a 3D neutral atom array
Y Wang, A Kumar, TY Wu, DS Weiss
Science 352 (6293), 1562-1565, 2016
Quantum computing with neutral atoms
DS Weiss, M Saffman
Physics Today 70 (7), 44-50, 2017
3D Raman sideband cooling of cesium atoms at high density
DJ Han, S Wolf, S Oliver, C McCormick, MT DePue, DS Weiss
Physical Review Letters 85 (4), 724, 2000
Sorting ultracold atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice in a realization of Maxwell’s demon
A Kumar, TY Wu, F Giraldo, DS Weiss
Nature 561 (7721), 83-87, 2018
Coherent addressing of individual neutral atoms in a 3D optical lattice
Y Wang, X Zhang, TA Corcovilos, A Kumar, DS Weiss
Physical review letters 115 (4), 043003, 2015
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