Gilberto Saccorotti
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Source mechanisms of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, determined from moment‐tensor inversions of very‐long‐period data
B Chouet, P Dawson, T Ohminato, M Martini, G Saccorotti, F Giudicepietro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B1), ESE 7-1-ESE 7-25, 2003
Source and path effects in the wave fields of tremor and explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
B Chouet, G Saccorotti, M Martini, P Dawson, G De Luca, G Milana, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B7), 15129-15150, 1997
Image processing of explosive activity at Stromboli
M Ripepe, M Rossi, G Saccorotti
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 54 (3-4), 335-351, 1993
Precision gravimetry with atomic sensors
M de Angelis, A Bertoldi, L Cacciapuoti, A Giorgini, G Lamporesi, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 20 (2), 022001, 2008
Broadband measurements of the sources of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
B Chouet, G Saccorotti, P Dawson, M Martini, R Scarpa, G De Luca, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (13), 1937-1940, 1999
Seismicity associated with the 2004–2006 renewed ground uplift at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy
G Saccorotti, S Petrosino, F Bianco, M Castellano, D Galluzzo, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 165 (1-2), 14-24, 2007
Recent activity of Nisyros volcano (Greece) inferred from structural, geochemical and seismological data
S Caliro, G Chiodini, D Galluzzo, D Granieri, M La Rocca, G Saccorotti, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 67, 358-369, 2005
Seismic signals associated with landslides and with a tsunami at Stromboli volcano, Italy
M La Rocca, D Galluzzo, G Saccorotti, S Tinti, GB Cimini, E Del Pezzo
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (5), 1850-1867, 2004
The role of hydrothermal fluids in triggering the July–August 2000 seismic swarm at Campi Flegrei, Italy: evidence from seismological and mesostructural data
F Bianco, E Del Pezzo, G Saccorotti, G Ventura
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 133 (1-4), 229-246, 2004
Moment‐tensor inversion of LP events recorded on Etna in 2004 using constraints obtained from wave simulation tests
I Lokmer, CJ Bean, G Saccorotti, D Patane
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (22), 2007
The 1998–1999 seismic series at Deception Island volcano, Antarctica
JM Ibáñez, E Carmona, J Almendros, G Saccorotti, E Del Pezzo, M Abril, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 128 (1-3), 65-88, 2003
Seismic noise by wind farms: a case study from the Virgo Gravitational Wave Observatory, Italy
G Saccorotti, D Piccinini, L Cauchie, I Fiori
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101 (2), 568-578, 2011
Analysis of sustained long-period activity at Etna Volcano, Italy
G Saccorotti, I Lokmer, CJ Bean, G Di Grazia, D Patanè
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 160 (3-4), 340-354, 2007
Hydrothermal origin for sustained long-period (LP) activity at Campi Flegrei Volcanic Complex, Italy
P Cusano, S Petrosino, G Saccorotti
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177 (4), 1035-1044, 2008
Deep underground rotation measurements: GINGERino ring laser gyroscope in Gran Sasso
J Belfi, N Beverini, F Bosi, G Carelli, D Cuccato, G De Luca, A Di Virgilio, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (3), 2017
Seismic source dynamics at Vesuvius volcano, Italy
E Del Pezzo, F Bianco, G Saccorotti
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 133 (1-4), 23-39, 2004
Shallow-velocity models at the Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, determined from array analyses of tremor wavefields
G Saccorotti, B Chouet, P Dawson
Geophysical Journal International 152 (3), 633-648, 2003
Time reverse location of seismic long-period events recorded on Mt Etna
GS O'Brien, I Lokmer, L De Barros, CJ Bean, G Saccorotti, JP Metaxian, ...
Geophysical Journal International 184 (1), 452-462, 2011
Quantitative analysis of the tremor wavefield at Etna Volcano, Italy
G Saccorotti, L Zuccarello, E Del Pezzo, J Ibanez, S Gresta
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 136 (3-4), 223-245, 2004
Slowness anomalies from two dense seismic arrays at Deception Island volcano, Antarctica
G Saccorotti, J Almendros, E Carmona, JM Ibáñez, E Del Pezzo
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91 (3), 561-571, 2001
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Articles 1–20