Pierluigi Cassotti
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Cited by
DIACR-Ita@ EVALITA2020: Overview of the evalita2020 diachronic lexical semantics (diacr-ita) task
P Basile, A Caputo, T Caselli, P Cassotti, R Varvara
Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian, 2020
XL-LEXEME: WiC pretrained model for cross-lingual LEXical sEMantic changE
P Cassotti, L Siciliani, M DeGemmis, G Semeraro, P Basile
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2023
A diachronic Italian corpus based on “L’Unita”
P Basile, A Caputo, T Caselli, P Cassotti, R Varvara
Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020, 2020
WiC-ITA at EVALITA2023: Overview of the EVALITA2023 Word-in-Context for ITAlian Task.
P Cassotti, L Siciliani, LC Passaro, M Gatto, P Basile
Bidirectional lstm-cnns-crf for italian sequence labeling
P Basile, G Semeraro, P Cassotti
Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2017
GM-CTSC at SemEval-2020 task 1: Gaussian mixtures cross temporal similarity clustering
P Cassotti, A Caputo, M Polignano, P Basile
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09946, 2020
Analyzing Semantic Change through Lexical Replacements
F Periti, P Cassotti, H Dubossarsky, N Tahmasebi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.18570, 2024
Using Graph Databases for Historical Language Data: Challenges and Opportunities.
B McGillivray, P Cassotti, P Basile, D Di Pierro, S Ferilli
IRCDL, 88-96, 2023
A New Time-sensitive Model of Linguistic Knowledge for Graph Databases.
P Basile, P Cassotti, S Ferilli, B McGillivray
AI4CH@ AI* IA, 69-80, 2022
Extracting relations from Italian wikipedia using self-training
L Siciliani, P Cassotti, P Basile, M de Gemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro, ...
Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021, 307, 2022
Extracting Relations from Italian Wikipedia using Unsupervised Information Extraction.
P Cassotti, L Siciliani, P Basile, M de Gemmis, P Lops
IIR, 2021
swapuniba@ fintoc2022: Fine-tuning pre-trained document image analysis model for title detection on the financial domain
P Cassotti, C Musto, M DeGemmis, G Lekkas, G Semeraro
Proceedings of the 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop@ LREC2022, 95-99, 2022
Graph databases for diachronic language data modelling
B McGillivray, P Cassotti, D Di Pierro, P Marongiu, AF Khan, S Ferilli, ...
Proceedings of Language, Data and Knowledge 2023 (LDK 2023), 2023
More DWUGs: Extending and evaluating word usage graph datasets in multiple languages
D Schlechtweg, P Cassotti, B Noble, D Alfter, SS im Walde, N Tahmasebi
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2024
Using Synchronic Definitions and Semantic Relations to Classify Semantic Change Types
P Cassotti, S De Pascale, N Tahmasebi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.03452, 2024
Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF for Italian Sequence Labeling and Multi-Task Learning
P Basile, P Cassotti, L Siciliani, G Semeraro
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 3 (3-2), 37-50, 2017
On the Impact of Language Adaptation for Large Language Models: A Case Study for the Italian Language Using Only Open Resources.
P Basile, P Cassotti, M Polignano, L Siciliani, G Semeraro
CLiC-it, 2023
Emerging trends in gender-specific occupational titles in Italian Newspapers
P Cassotti, A Iovine, P Basile, M De Gemmis, G Semeraro
Milan, Italy, 2022
A Comparative Study of Approaches for the Diachronic Analysis of the Italian Language.
P Cassotti, P Basile, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
NL4AI@ AI* IA, 130-140, 2020
TRoTR: A Framework for Evaluating the Re-contextualization of Text Reuse
F Periti, P Cassotti, S Montanelli, N Tahmasebi, D Schlechtweg
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2024
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Articles 1–20