Jan Fabian Ehmke
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative urban transportation: Recent advances in theory and practice
C Cleophas, C Cottrill, JF Ehmke, K Tierney
European Journal of Operational Research 273 (3), 801-816, 2019
The role of operational research in green freight transportation
T Bektaş, JF Ehmke, HN Psaraftis, J Puchinger
European Journal of Operational Research 274 (3), 807-823, 2019
Customer acceptance mechanisms for home deliveries in metropolitan areas
JF Ehmke, AM Campbell
European Journal of Operational Research 233 (1), 193-207, 2014
Vehicle routing to minimize time-dependent emissions in urban areas
JF Ehmke, AM Campbell, BW Thomas
European Journal of Operational Research 251 (2), 478-494, 2016
Integration of information and optimization models for routing in city logistics
Recherche 67, 02, 2012
Ensuring service levels in routing problems with time windows and stochastic travel times
JF Ehmke, AM Campbell, TL Urban
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (2), 539-550, 2015
Advanced routing for city logistics service providers based on time-dependent travel times
JF Ehmke, A Steinert, DC Mattfeld
Journal of computational science 3 (4), 193-205, 2012
Floating car based travel times for city logistics
JF Ehmke, S Meisel, DC Mattfeld
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 21 (1), 338-352, 2012
When are deliveries profitable? Considering order value and transport capacity in demand fulfillment for last-mile deliveries in metropolitan areas
C Cleophas, JF Ehmke
Business & Information Systems Engineering 6, 153-163, 2014
Vehicle routing for attended home delivery in city logistics
JF Ehmke, DC Mattfeld
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 622-632, 2012
Flexible time window management for attended home deliveries
C Köhler, JF Ehmke, AM Campbell
Omega 91, 102023, 2020
A two‐tier urban delivery network with robot‐based deliveries
I Bakach, AM Campbell, JF Ehmke
Networks 78 (4), 461-483, 2021
Data-driven approaches for emissions-minimized paths in urban areas
JF Ehmke, AM Campbell, BW Thomas
Computers & Operations Research 67, 34-47, 2016
Optimizing for total costs in vehicle routing in urban areas
JF Ehmke, AM Campbell, BW Thomas
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 116, 242-265, 2018
Towards customer-induced service orchestration-requirements for the next step of customer orientation
R Alt, JF Ehmke, R Haux, T Henke, DC Mattfeld, A Oberweis, B Paech, ...
Electronic Markets 29, 79-91, 2019
Integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling with balanced departure times
V Schmid, JF Ehmke
OR spectrum 37, 903-928, 2015
Scheduling operations at system choke points with sequence-dependent delays and processing times
LD Smith, RM Nauss, DC Mattfeld, J Li, JF Ehmke, M Reindl
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 47 (5 …, 2011
Smart services: The move to customer orientation
R Alt, H Demirkan, JF Ehmke, A Moen, A Winter
Electronic Markets 29, 1-6, 2019
Floating car data based analysis of urban travel times for the provision of traffic quality
JF Ehmke, S Meisel, DC Mattfeld
Traffic data collection and its standardization, 129-149, 2010
Multi-criteria decision making in dynamic slotting for attended home deliveries
MAK Lang, C Cleophas, JF Ehmke
Omega 102, 102305, 2021
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Articles 1–20