Juri Nascimbene
Juri Nascimbene
BIOME Lab, Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali, Alma Mater Studiorum
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Functional traits of epiphytic lichens as potential indicators of environmental conditions in forest ecosystems
P Giordani, G Brunialti, G Bacaro, J Nascimbene
Ecological indicators 18, 413-420, 2012
Factors influencing epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species richness at different spatial scales in managed temperate forests
I Király, J Nascimbene, F Tinya, P Ódor
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 209-223, 2013
Large-scale patterns of epiphytic lichen species richness: photobiont-dependent response to climate and forest structure
L Marini, J Nascimbene, PL Nimis
Science of the Total Environment 409 (20), 4381-4386, 2011
Forest plant diversity is threatened by Robinia pseudoacacia (black-locust) invasion
R Benesperi, C Giuliani, S Zanetti, M Gennai, M Mariotti Lippi, T Guidi, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 21, 3555-3568, 2012
Effects of forest management on epiphytic lichens in temperate deciduous forests of Europe–A review
J Nascimbene, G Thor, PL Nimis
Forest ecology and management 298, 27-38, 2013
Influence of tree age, tree size and crown structure on lichen communities in mature Alpine spruce forests
J Nascimbene, L Marini, R Motta, PL Nimis
Biodiversity and conservation 18, 1509-1522, 2009
Biodiversity response to forest structure and management: Comparing species richness, conservation relevant species and functional diversity as metrics in forest conservation
C Lelli, HH Bruun, A Chiarucci, D Donati, F Frascaroli, Ö Fritz, I Goldberg, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 432, 707-717, 2019
Patterns and drivers of species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in managed temperate forests
P Ódor, I Király, F Tinya, F Bortignon, J Nascimbene
Forest Ecology and Management 306, 256-265, 2013
Exploring the potential of vineyards for biodiversity conservation and delivery of biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services: A global-scale systematic review
A Paiola, G Assandri, M Brambilla, M Zottini, P Pedrini, J Nascimbene
Science of the total environment 706, 135839, 2020
Evaluating the conservation status of epiphytic lichens of Italy: a red list
J Nascimbene, PL Nimis, S Ravera
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2013
Epiphytic lichen diversity along elevational gradients: biological traits reveal a complex response to water and energy
J Nascimbene, L Marini
Journal of Biogeography 42 (7), 1222-1232, 2015
Testing Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. as an indicator of lichen conservation importance of Italian forests
J Nascimbene, G Brunialti, S Ravera, L Frati, G Caniglia
Ecological Indicators 10 (2), 353-360, 2010
Species richness and beta diversity patterns of multiple taxa along an elevational gradient in pastured grasslands in the European Alps
V Fontana, E Guariento, A Hilpold, G Niedrist, M Steinwandter, D Spitale, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12516, 2020
Influence of forest management on epiphytic lichens in a temperate beech forest of northern Italy
J Nascimbene, L Marini, PL Nimis
Forest Ecology and Management 247 (1-3), 43-47, 2007
Organic farming benefits local plant diversity in vineyard farms located in intensive agricultural landscapes
J Nascimbene, L Marini, MG Paoletti
Environmental management 49, 1054-1060, 2012
Epiphytic lichen diversity in old-growth and managed Picea abies stands in Alpine spruce forests
J Nascimbene, L Marini, PL Nimis
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (5), 603-609, 2010
Environmental drivers of forest biodiversity in temperate mixed forests–A multi-taxon approach
F Tinya, B Kovács, A Bidló, B Dima, I Király, G Kutszegi, F Lakatos, Z Mag, ...
Science of the Total Environment 795, 148720, 2021
Climate change fosters the decline of epiphytic Lobaria species in Italy
J Nascimbene, G Casazza, R Benesperi, I Catalano, D Cataldo, M Grillo, ...
Biological conservation 201, 377-384, 2016
Trade‐offs between carbon stocks and biodiversity in European temperate forests
FM Sabatini, RB de Andrade, Y Paillet, P Ódor, C Bouget, T Campagnaro, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (2), 536-548, 2019
A grid-based map for the Biogeographical Regions of Europe
M Cervellini, OR Vetaas, R Field, C Beierkuhnlein, A Chiarucci, P Zannini, ...
Pensoft Publishers, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20