Francesca Lotti
Cited by
Cited by
Innovation and productivity in SMEs: empirical evidence for Italy
BH Hall, F Lotti, J Mairesse
Small business economics 33, 13-33, 2009
Evidence on the impact of R&D and ICT investments on innovation and productivity in Italian firms
BH Hall, F Lotti, J Mairesse
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 22 (3), 300-328, 2013
Does Gibrat's Law hold among young, small firms?
F Lotti, E Santarelli, M Vivarelli
Journal of evolutionary economics 13, 213-235, 2003
Do women pay more for credit? Evidence from Italy
AF Alesina, F Lotti, PE Mistrulli
Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (suppl_1), 45-66, 2013
Employment, innovation, and productivity: evidence from Italian microdata
BH Hall, F Lotti, J Mairesse
Industrial and corporate change 17 (4), 813-839, 2008
Defending Gibrat’s Law as a long-run regularity
F Lotti, E Santarelli, M Vivarelli
Small business economics 32, 31-44, 2009
Connecting to power: political connections, innovation, and firm dynamics
U Akcigit, S Baslandze, F Lotti
Econometrica 91 (2), 529-564, 2023
The innovation gap of Italy’s production system: roots and possible solutions
M Bugamelli, L Cannari, F Lotti, S Magri
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2012
Productivity growth in Italy: a tale of a slow-motion change
M Bugamelli, F Lotti, M Amici, E Ciapanna, F Colonna, F D’Amuri, ...
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2018
Entry decisions and adverse selection: an empirical analysis of local credit markets
G Gobbi, F Lotti
Journal of Financial services Research 26 (3), 225-244, 2004
The relationship between size and growth: the case of Italian newborn firms
F Lotti, E Santarelli
Entry and Post-Entry Performance of Newborn Firms, 62-67, 2007
Industry dynamics and the distribution of firm sizes: a nonparametric approach
F Lotti, E Santarelli
Southern Economic Journal 70 (3), 443-466, 2004
Productivity effects of eco-innovations using data on eco-patents
G Marin, F Lotti
Industrial and corporate change, dtw014, 2016
Innovation in the retail banking industry: the diffusion of credit scoring
M Bofondi, F Lotti
Review of Industrial Organization 28, 343-358, 2006
The survival of family firms: The importance of control and family ties
E Santarelli, F Lotti
International Journal of the Economics of Business 12 (2), 183-192, 2005
Revisiting the empirical evidence on firms’ money demand
F Lotti, J Marcucci
Journal of Economics and Business 59 (1), 51-73, 2007
La valutazione degli aiuti alle imprese
G De Blasio, F Lotti
Il mulino, 2008
Cross country differences in patent propensity: A firm-level investigation [with DISCUSSION]
F Lotti, F Schivardi, S Usai
Giornale degli economisti e Annali di economia, 469-507, 2005
Matching of PATSTAT applications to AIDA firms: discussion of the methodology and results
F Lotti, G Marin
Bank of Italy occasional paper, 2013
Infra-industry spillovers and R&D cooperation: Theory and evidence
L Lambertini*, F Lotti, E Santarelli
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 13 (4), 311-328, 2004
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Articles 1–20