Marco Cherubini
Marco Cherubini
Post-Doc Fellowship, IMPMC,CNRS, Sorbonne university
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Cited by
The stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation: calculating vibrational properties of materials with full quantum and anharmonic effects
L Monacelli, R Bianco, M Cherubini, M Calandra, I Errea, F Mauri
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (36), 363001, 2021
The microscopic origin of the anomalous isotopic properties of ice relies on the strong quantum anharmonic regime of atomic vibration
M Cherubini, L Monacelli, F Mauri
The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (18), 2021
Quantum effects in H-bond symmetrization and in thermodynamic properties of high pressure ice
M Cherubini, L Monacelli, B Yang, R Car, M Casula, F Mauri
Physical Review B 110 (1), 014112, 2024
Quantum symmetrization transition in superconducting sulfur hydride from quantum Monte Carlo and path integral molecular dynamics
R Taureau, M Cherubini, T Morresi, M Casula
npj Computational Materials 10 (1), 56, 2024
Phase diagram, structure and spectroscopy of ordinary and high pressure ice: Impact of quantum anharmonic nuclear motion
M Cherubini
Università degli Studi di Roma" La Sapienza", 2022
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Articles 1–5