Casey Dietrich
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Cited by
Modeling hurricane waves and storm surge using integrally-coupled, scalable computations
JC Dietrich, M Zijlema, JJ Westerink, LH Holthuijsen, C Dawson, ...
Coastal Engineering 58 (1), 45-65, 2011
A high-resolution coupled riverine flow, tide, wind, wind wave, and storm surge model for southern Louisiana and Mississippi. Part I: Model development and validation
S Bunya, JC Dietrich, JJ Westerink, BA Ebersole, JM Smith, JH Atkinson, ...
Monthly weather review 138 (2), 345-377, 2010
Performance of the unstructured-mesh, SWAN+ ADCIRC model in computing hurricane waves and surge
JC Dietrich, S Tanaka, JJ Westerink, CN Dawson, RA Luettich, M Zijlema, ...
Journal of Scientific Computing 52, 468-497, 2012
A high-resolution coupled riverine flow, tide, wind, wind wave, and storm surge model for southern Louisiana and Mississippi. Part II: Synoptic description and analysis of …
JC Dietrich, S Bunya, JJ Westerink, BA Ebersole, JM Smith, JH Atkinson, ...
Monthly Weather Review 138 (2), 378-404, 2010
Hurricane Gustav (2008) waves and storm surge: hindcast, synoptic analysis, and validation in Southern Louisiana
JC Dietrich, JJ Westerink, AB Kennedy, JM Smith, RE Jensen, M Zijlema, ...
Monthly Weather Review 139 (8), 2488-2522, 2011
Hindcast and validation of Hurricane Ike (2008) waves, forerunner, and storm surge
ME Hope, JJ Westerink, AB Kennedy, PC Kerr, JC Dietrich, C Dawson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (9), 4424-4460, 2013
Characterizing hurricane storm surge behavior in Galveston Bay using the SWAN+ ADCIRC model
A Sebastian, J Proft, JC Dietrich, W Du, PB Bedient, CN Dawson
Coastal Engineering 88, 171-181, 2014
Origin of the Hurricane Ike forerunner surge
AB Kennedy, U Gravois, BC Zachry, JJ Westerink, ME Hope, JC Dietrich, ...
Geophysical research letters 38 (8), 2011
Surface trajectories of oil transport along the Northern Coastline of the Gulf of Mexico
JC Dietrich, CJ Trahan, MT Howard, JG Fleming, RJ Weaver, S Tanaka, ...
Continental Shelf Research 41, 17-47, 2012
US IOOS coastal and ocean modeling testbed: Evaluation of tide, wave, and hurricane surge response sensitivities to mesh resolution and friction in the Gulf of Mexico
PC Kerr, RC Martyr, AS Donahue, ME Hope, JJ Westerink, RA Luettich Jr, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (9), 4633-4661, 2013
Influence of storm timing and forward speed on tides and storm surge during Hurricane Matthew
A Thomas, JC Dietrich, TG Asher, M Bell, BO Blanton, JH Copeland, ...
Ocean Modelling 137, 1-19, 2019
Development of storm surge which led to flooding in St. Bernard Polder during Hurricane Katrina
BA Ebersole, JJ Westerink, S Bunya, JC Dietrich, MA Cialone
Ocean Engineering 37 (1), 91-103, 2010
Real-time forecasting and visualization of hurricane waves and storm surge using SWAN+ ADCIRC and FigureGen
JC Dietrich, CN Dawson, JM Proft, MT Howard, G Wells, JG Fleming, ...
Computational challenges in the geosciences, 49-70, 2013
Variability in Coastal Flooding predictions due to forecast errors during Hurricane Arthur
R Cyriac, JC Dietrich, JG Fleming, BO Blanton, C Kaiser, CN Dawson, ...
Coastal Engineering 137, 59-78, 2018
Sensitivity of storm surge predictions to atmospheric forcing during Hurricane Isaac
JC Dietrich, A Muhammad, M Curcic, A Fathi, CN Dawson, SS Chen, ...
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 144 (1), 04017035, 2018
Limiters for spectral propagation velocities in SWAN
JC Dietrich, M Zijlema, PE Allier, LH Holthuijsen, N Booij, JD Meixner, ...
Ocean Modelling 70, 85-102, 2013
Assessment of ADCIRC's wetting and drying algorithm
JC Dietrich, RL Kolar, RA Luettich
Developments in water science 55, 1767-1778, 2004
Simulating hurricane storm surge in the lower Mississippi River under varying flow conditions
RC Martyr, JC Dietrich, JJ Westerink, PC Kerr, C Dawson, JM Smith, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 139 (5), 492-501, 2013
Methodology for regional multihazard hurricane damage and risk assessment
OM Nofal, JW Van De Lindt, TQ Do, G Yan, S Hamideh, DT Cox, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (11), 04021185, 2021
Storm-driven erosion and inundation of barrier islands from dune-to region-scales
A Gharagozlou, JC Dietrich, A Karanci, RA Luettich, MF Overton
Coastal Engineering 158, 103674, 2020
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Articles 1–20