Heather Leona Gray
Cited by
Cited by
Applications and implementations of new media in corporate communications: An action research approach
G Hearn, M Foth, H Gray
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (1), 49-61, 2009
Cultivating ICT students' interpersonal soft skills in online learning environments using traditional active learning techniques
T Myers, A Blackman, T Andersen, R Hay, I Lee, H Gray
Journal of Learning Design 7, 38-53, 2014
Technology leapfrogging in Thailand: Issues for the support of eCommerce infrastructure
H Gray, L Sanzogni
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 16 (1 …, 2004
Real-time detection of shill bidding in online auctions: A literature review
N Majadi, J Trevathan, H Gray, V Estivill-Castro, N Bergmann
Computer Science Review 25, 1-18, 2017
Scaling-up process-oriented guided inquiry learning techniques for teaching large information systems courses
J Trevathan, T Myers, H Gray
Journal of learning design 7 (3), 23-38, 2014
A run-time algorithm for detecting shill bidding in online auctions
N Majadi, J Trevathan, H Gray
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 13 (3), 17-49, 2018
A systematic review of biomechanical risk factors for the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in surgeons of the head and neck
A Maxner, H Gray, A Vijendren
Work 69 (1), 247-263, 2021
Corporate Struggle with ICT in Thailand: A Case Study
L Sanzogni, J Whungsuriya, H Gray
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 34 (1 …, 2008
Investigating the impacts of digital games on elderly people’s active ageing in Myanmar: a systematic literature review
A Pyae, H Gray, A Lewis
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Applications …, 2017
Education Trends in Thai Businesses Utilizing Information Technology
H Arthur-Gray, J Campbell
Global Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2008
Technology leapfrogging in Thailand
L Sanzogni, H Arthur-Gray
Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2008
Detecting Shill Bidding Using eBay's 30-Day Bid Summary.
N Fisher, J Trevathan, H Gray
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 8 (2), 120-134, 2019
Facebook for student success: A preliminary study
H Gray
ICCA 2013, 2013
Codes of Conduct for mobile device use in meetings: An exploratory analysis
N Meyers, G Hearn, H Gray, L Sanzogni
Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship: Refereed Proceedings of …, 2009
CEO Acceptance and use of information systems in non-agricultural businesses in regional thailand
H Gray, J Campbell
5th International Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference, 104-112, 2003
Mobile technology for improved productivity: analysis of a preliminary study at an Australian university
N Meyers, HL Gray, H Marks, L Sanzogni, GN Hearn
Educause Australasia Conference, 2009
The electronic enablement of businesses in regional Thailand
HL Gray, J Campbell
Griffith University, 2002
computer science review
N Majadi, J Trevathan, H Gray, V Estivill-Castro
Social Media as a Learning Community: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
H Gray, J Trevathan
The Higher Education Technology Agenda (THETA) 2015, 2015
Can cross-speciality team working improve patient compliance in gestational diabetes?
T Berry, J Campbell, H Giles, S Cooper, P Lock-Pullan, T Mahajan, ...
DIABETIC MEDICINE 30, 118-119, 2013
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Articles 1–20