Peter Birkholz
Peter Birkholz
Prof. for Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems, TU Dresden, Germany
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Modeling consonant-vowel coarticulation for articulatory speech synthesis
P Birkholz
PloS one 8 (4), e60603, 2013
Human vocal attractiveness as signaled by body size projection
Y Xu, A Lee, WL Wu, X Liu, P Birkholz
PloS one 8 (4), e62397, 2013
Construction and control of a three-dimensional vocal tract model
P Birkholz, D Jackèl, BJ Kroger
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Reservoir computing with biocompatible organic electrochemical networks for brain-inspired biosignal classification
M Cucchi, C Gruener, L Petrauskas, P Steiner, H Tseng, A Fischer, ...
Science Advances 7 (34), eabh0693, 2021
Model-based reproduction of articulatory trajectories for consonant–vowel sequences
P Birkholz, BJ Kroger, C Neuschaefer-Rube
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 19 (5), 1422-1433, 2010
3D-artikulatorische Sprachsynthese
P Birkholz
Logos, 2005
Simulation of losses due to turbulence in the time-varying vocal system
P Birkholz, D Jackèl, BJ Kroger
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (4), 1218-1226, 2007
Sex matters: Neural correlates of voice gender perception
J Junger, K Pauly, S Bröhr, P Birkholz, C Neuschaefer-Rube, C Kohler, ...
Neuroimage 79, 275-287, 2013
Vocal tract model adaptation using magnetic resonance imaging
P Birkholz, BJ Kröger
Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Speech Production, 493-500, 2006
A gesture-based concept for speech movement control in articulatory speech synthesis
BJ Kröger, P Birkholz
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours: COST Action 2102 …, 2007
Synthesis of Breathy, Normal, and Pressed Phonation Using a Two-Mass Model with a Triangular Glottis.
P Birkholz, BJ Kröger, C Neuschaefer-Rube
Interspeech, 2681-2684, 2011
Influence of temporal discretization schemes on formant frequencies and bandwidths in time domain simulations of the vocal tract system.
P Birkholz, D Jackel
Interspeech, 1125-1128, 2004
More than just two sexes: the neural correlates of voice gender perception in gender dysphoria
J Junger, U Habel, S Bröhr, J Neulen, C Neuschaefer-Rube, P Birkholz, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e111672, 2014
Printable 3D vocal tract shapes from MRI data and their acoustic and aerodynamic properties
P Birkholz, S Kürbis, S Stone, P Häsner, R Blandin, M Fleischer
Scientific data 7 (1), 255, 2020
A three-dimensional model of the vocal tract for speech synthesis
P Birkholz, D Jackel
Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences, 2597-2600, 2003
Articulation and vocal tract acoustics at soprano subject's high fundamental frequencies
M Echternach, P Birkholz, L Traser, TV Flügge, R Kamberger, F Burk, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (5), 2586-2595, 2015
Seeing [u] aids vocal learning: Babbling and imitation of vowels using a 3D vocal tract model, reinforcement learning, and reservoir computing
M Murakami, B Kröger, P Birkholz, J Triesch
2015 joint IEEE international conference on development and learning and …, 2015
Manipulation of the prosodic features of vocal tract length, nasality and articulatory precision using articulatory synthesis
P Birkholz, L Martin, Y Xu, S Scherbaum, C Neuschaefer-Rube
Computer Speech & Language 41, 116-127, 2017
Articulatory synthesis of speech and singing: State of the art and suggestions for future research
BJ Kröger, P Birkholz
Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues: COST Action 2102 and …, 2009
The contribution of phonation type to the perception of vocal emotions in German: An articulatory synthesis study
P Birkholz, L Martin, K Willmes, BJ Kröger, C Neuschaefer-Rube
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (3), 1503-1512, 2015
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Articles 1–20