F. Serhan Daniş
F. Serhan Daniş
Research Engineer at GEOLOC Laboratory of Université Gustave Eiffel
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Cited by
Model-based localization and tracking using Bluetooth low-energy beacons
FS Daniş, AT Cemgil
Sensors 17 (11), 2484, 2017
Data collection with" UYANIK": too much pain; but gains are coming
H Abut, H Erdoğan, A Erçil, AB Çürüklü, HC Koman, F Tas, AÖ Argunşah, ...
Sabancı University, 2007
Adaptive sequential Monte Carlo filter for indoor positioning and tracking with bluetooth low energy beacons
FS Daníş, AT Cemgil, C Ersoy
IEEE Access 9, 37022-37038, 2021
Real-world data collection with “UYANIK”
H Abut, H Erdoğan, A Erçil, B Çürüklü, HC Koman, F Taş, AÖ Argunşah, ...
In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior, 23-43, 2009
An indoor localization dataset and data collection framework with high precision position annotation
FS Daniş, AT Naskali, AT Cemgil, C Ersoy
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 81, 101554, 2022
Framework for development of driver adaptive warning and assistance systems that will be triggered by a driver inattention monitor
B Aytekin, E Dincmen, B Aksun Guvenc, E Altug, L Guvenc, S Danis, ...
International journal of vehicle design 52 (1-4), 20-37, 2010
Robot detection with a cascade of boosted classifiers based on haar-like features
FS Daniş, T Meriçli, C Meriçli, HL Akın
RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV 14, 409-417, 2011
Job Recommendation Based on Extracted Skill Embeddings
A Kara, FS Daniş, GK Orman, SN Turhan, ÖA Özlü
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, 497-507, 2022
Live rssi filtering for indoor positioning with bluetooth low-energy
FS Daniş
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor …, 2022
Test-bed formation for human driver model development and decision making
T Acarman, U Ozguner, L Guvencc, Y Liu, S Danis
2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 934-939, 2007
Probabilistic indoor tracking of Bluetooth Low-Energy beacons
FS Daniş, C Ersoy, AT Cemgil
Performance Evaluation 162, 102374, 2023
Salary prediction via sectoral features in Turkey
ŞDİ Özer, B Ülke, FS Daniş, GK Orman
2022 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and …, 2022
Similarity-Based Résumé Matching via Triplet Loss with BERT Models
ÖA Özlü, GK Orman, FS Daniş, SN Turhan, KC Kara, TA Yücel
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, 520-532, 2022
Determining Column Numbers in Résumés with Clustering
ŞR Keskin, Y Balı, GK Orman, FS Daniş, SN Turhan
IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and …, 2022
Using Saliency-based Visual Attention Methods for Achieving Illumination Invariance in Robot Soccer
FS Daniş, T Meriçli, HL Akın
RoboCup Symposium 2012, 2012
Development of a multi-sensored autonomous ground vehicle
FS Daniş
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Practical and parameterized fingerprinting through maximal filtering for indoor positioning
FS Daniş
IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation, 2023
Tracking a Mobile Beacon: A Purely Probabilistic Approach
FS Daniş, C Ersoy, AT Cemgil
2022 30th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of …, 2022
Extracting Relations Between Sectors
A Kara, FS Daniş, GK Orman, SN Turhan
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing, 77-82, 2022
Radio map estimation with neural networks and active learning for indoor localization.
S Guler, FS Danis, AT Cemgil
IPIN (Short Papers/Work-in-Progress Papers), 25-31, 2019
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Articles 1–20