Rudi Bekkers
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Cited by
Analysing knowledge transfer channels between universities and industry: To what degree do sectors also matter?
R Bekkers, IM Bodas Freitas
Research Policy 37 (10), 1837-1853, 2008
Intellectual property rights, strategic technology agreements and market structure: The case of GSM
R Bekkers, G Duysters, B Verspagen
Research Policy 31 (7), 1141-1161, 2002
Differences in technology transfer between science-based and development-based industries: Transfer mechanisms and barriers
V Gilsing, R Bekkers, IMB Freitas, M Van der Steen
Technovation 31 (12), 638-647, 2011
Intellectual property rights and standardization: the case of GSM
R Bekkers, B Verspagen, J Smits
Telecommunications Policy 26 (3-4), 171-188, 2002
An empirical study on the determinants of essential patent claims in compatibility standards
R Bekkers, R Bongard, A Nuvolari
Research Policy 40 (7), 1001-1015, 2011
Mobile Telecommunications Standards: GSM, UMTS, TETRA, and ERMES
R Bekkers
Artech House, 2001
The different channels of university-industry knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence from Biomedical Engineering
R Brennenraedts, R Bekkers, B Verspagen
ECIS Working Paper series, Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, The …, 2006
The interplay between standardization and technological change
R Bekkers, A Martinelli
Paper presented at the DIME Final Conference, 6-‐8 April 2011, Maastricht, 8, 2011
The limits to IPR standardization policies as evidenced by strategic patenting in UMTS
R Bekkers, J West
Telecommunications Policy 33 (1-2), 80-97, 2009
Just-in-time patents and the development of standards
B Kang, R Bekkers
Research Policy 44, 1948–1961, 2015
Determining Factors of the Effectiveness of IP-based Spin-offs: Comparing the Netherlands and the US
R Bekkers, V Gilsing, M Van der Steen
The Journal of Technology Transfer 31, 545-546, 2006
A study of IPR policies and practices of a representative group of Standards Setting Organizations worldwide
R Bekkers, A Updegrove
National Academies of Science (NAS), 2012
Intellectual property and licensing strategies in open collaborative innovation
M Bogers, R Bekkers, O Granstrand
Digital Rights Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications …, 2013
Building appropriation advantage: An introduction to the special issue on intellectual property management
A Di Minin, D Faems
California Management Review 55 (4), 7-14, 2013
European standards for mobile communications: The tense relationship between standards and intellectual property rights
R Bekkers, I Liotard
European intellectual property review 21 (3), 110-126, 1999
Mobile telecommunications: standards, regulation, and applications
R Bekkers, J Smits
Artech House, Inc., 1998
Intellectual property disclosure in standards development
R Bekkers, C Catalini, A Martinelli, T Simcoe
Conference Proceedings of the NBER conference on Standards, Patents …, 2012
Emerging ways to address the reemerging conflict between patenting and technological standardization
R Bekkers, E Iversen, K Blind
Industrial and Corporate Change 21 (4), 901-931, 2012
The development of European mobile telecommunications standards: An assessment of the success of GSM, TETRA, ERMES and UMTS
RNA Bekkers
Does working with industry come at a price? A study of doctoral candidates’ performance in collaborative vs. non-collaborative Ph. D. projects
N Salimi, R Bekkers, K Frenken
Technovation 41, 51-61, 2015
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Articles 1–20