Joren Six
Joren Six
Researcher at University Ghent, Ghent Center for Digital Humanities
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Validity and reliability of peak tibial accelerations as real-time measure of impact loading during over-ground rearfoot running at different speeds
P Van den Berghe, J Six, J Gerlo, M Leman, D De Clercq
Journal of biomechanics 86, 238-242, 2019
Panako: a scalable acoustic fingerprinting system handling time-scale and pitch modification
J Six, M Leman
15th International society for music information retrieval conference (ISMIR …, 2014
TarsosDSP, a Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java
J Six, O Cornelis, M Leman
Proceedings of the 53 rd AES Conference - 53rd AES Conference, 2014
Adopting a music-to-heart rate alignment strategy to measure the impact of music and its tempo on human heart rate
E Van Dyck, J Six, E Soyer, M Denys, I Bardijn, M Leman
Musicae Scientiae 21 (4), 390-404, 2017
Tarsos: a platform to explore pitch scales in non-western and western music
J Six, O Cornelis
12th International society for music information retrieval conference (ISMIR …, 2011
Tarsos, a modular platform for precise pitch analysis of Western and non-Western music
J Six, O Cornelis, M Leman
Journal of New Music Research 42 (2), 113-129, 2013
Music-based biofeedback to reduce tibial shock in over-ground running: A proof-of-concept study
P Van den Berghe, V Lorenzoni, R Derie, J Six, J Gerlo, M Leman, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4091, 2021
Automatic comparison of human music, speech, and bird song suggests uniqueness of human scales
J Kuroyanagi, S Sato, MJ Ho, G Chiba, J Six, P Pfordresher, A Tierney, ...
PsyArXiv, 2019
The SoundBike: musical sonification strategies to enhance cyclists’ spontaneous synchronization to external music
PJ Maes, V Lorenzoni, J Six
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 13 (3), 155-166, 2019
Embodied, participatory sense-making in digitally-augmented music practices: theoretical principles and the artistic case “SoundBikes”
PJ Maes, V Lorenzoni, B Moens, J Six, F Bressan, I Schepers, M Leman
Critical Arts 32 (3), 77-94, 2018
Automatic comparison of global children’s and adult songs supports a sensorimotor hypothesis for the origin of musical scales
S Sato, J Six, P Pfordresher, S Fujii, PE Savage
PsyArXiv, 2019
MIRchiving: Challenges and opportunities of connecting MIR research and digital music archives
R De Valk, A Volk, A Holzapfel, A Pikrakis, N Kroher, J Six
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for …, 2017
Synchronizing multimodal recordings using audio-to-audio alignment: An application of acoustic fingerprinting to facilitate music interaction research
J Six, M Leman
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 9, 223-229, 2015
Evaluation and recommendation of pulse and tempo annotation in ethnic music
O Cornelis, J Six, A Holzapfel, M Leman
Journal of New Music Research 42 (2), 131-149, 2013
The influence of performing gesture type on interpersonal musical timing, and the role of visual contact and tempo
E Coorevits, PJ Maes, J Six, M Leman
Acta Psychologica 210, 103166, 2020
Timing markers of interaction quality during semi-hocket singing
A Dell’Anna, J Buhmann, J Six, PJ Maes, M Leman
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 619, 2020
Applications of Duplicate Detection in Music Archives: From Metadata Comparison to Storage Optimisation: The Case of the Belgian Royal Museum for Central Africa
J Six, F Bressan, M Leman
Digital Libraries and Multimedia Archives: 14th Italian Research Conference …, 2018
A robust audio fingerprinter based on pitch class histograms applications for ethnic music archives
J Six, O Cornelis
Congreso Las fronteras entre los géneros. Flamenco y otras músicas de …, 2012
Cholinergic‐related pupil activity reflects level of emotionality during motor performance
M Vidal, KE Onderdijk, AM Aguilera, J Six, PJ Maes, TH Fritz, M Leman
European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (9), 2193-2207, 2024
Agreement among human and automated transcriptions of global songs
Y Ozaki, J McBride, E Benetos, PQ Pfordresher, J Six, AT Tierney, ...
22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR …, 2021
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