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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 47 (3), 1516-1546, 2008
172 2008 Fast and accurate computation of orbital collision probability for short-term encounters R Serra, D Arzelier, M Joldes, JB Lasserre, A Rondepierre, B Salvy
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 39 (5), 1009-1021, 2016
90 2016 On local convergence of the method of alternating projections D Noll, A Rondepierre
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 16, 425-455, 2016
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Pacific Journal of Optimization 4 (3), 571-604, 2008
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SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (4), 3131-3153, 2019
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Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 159, 210-230, 2013
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Mathematical Programming 187, 151-193, 2021
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SIAM Journal on Optimization 32 (3), 1817-1842, 2022
24 2022 Convergence of linesearch and trust-region methods using the Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz inequality D Noll, A Rondepierre
Computational and Analytical Mathematics: In Honor of Jonathan Borwein's …, 2013
24 2013 Probabilistic collision avoidance for long-term space encounters via risk selection R Serra, D Arzelier, M Joldes, A Rondepierre
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control: Selected Papers of …, 2015
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2007 46th IEEE conference on decision and control, 4110-4115, 2007
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IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (3), 1343-1351, 2018
17 2018 FISTA is an automatic geometrically optimized algorithm for strongly convex functions JF Aujol, C Dossal, A Rondepierre
Mathematical Programming 204 (1), 449-491, 2024
15 2024 Convergence rates of the Heavy-Ball method under the Łojasiewicz property JF Aujol, C Dossal, A Rondepierre
Mathematical Programming 198 (1), 195-254, 2023
15 2023 FISTA restart using an automatic estimation of the growth parameter JF Aujol, CH Dossal, H Labarrière, A Rondepierre
15 2022 A new method to compute the probability of collision for short-term space encounters R Serra, D Arzelier, M Joldes, JB Lasserre, A Rondepierre, B Salvy
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