Anas M. Salhab
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On optimizing VLC networks for downlink multi-user transmission: A survey
M Obeed, AM Salhab, MS Alouini, SA Zummo
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2947-2976, 2019
Accurate performance analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces over Rician fading channels
AM Salhab, MH Samuh
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (5), 1051-1055, 2021
Security-reliability trade-off analysis for multiuser SIMO mixed RF/FSO relay networks with opportunistic user scheduling
AH Abd El-Malek, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 15 (9), 5904-5918, 2016
Joint optimization of power allocation and load balancing for hybrid VLC/RF networks
M Obeed, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (5), 553-562, 2018
Effect of RF interference on the security-reliability tradeoff analysis of multiuser mixed RF/FSO relay networks with power allocation
AHA El-Malek, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (9), 1490-1505, 2017
User pairing, link selection, and power allocation for cooperative NOMA hybrid VLC/RF systems
M Obeed, H Dahrouj, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (3), 1785-1800, 2020
Two-way multiuser mixed RF/FSO relaying: Performance analysis and power allocation
YF Al-Eryani, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (4), 396-408, 2018
Protocol design and performance analysis of multiuser mixed RF and hybrid FSO/RF relaying with buffers
YF Al-Eryani, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (4), 309-321, 2018
Power allocation and performance of multiuser mixed RF/FSO relay networks with opportunistic scheduling and outdated channel information
AM Salhab, FS Al-Qahtani, RM Radaydeh, SA Zummo, H Alnuweiri
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (13), 3259-3272, 2016
Precise performance analysis of dual-hop mixed RF/unified-FSO DF relaying with heterodyne detection and two IM-DD channel models
OMS Al-Ebraheemy, AM Salhab, A Chaaban, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE Photonics Journal 11 (1), 1-22, 2019
Survey on physical layer security in optical wireless communication systems
M Obeed, AM Salhab, MS Alouini, SA Zummo
2018 seventh international conference on communications and networking …, 2018
Mixed RF/FSO relay networks: RIS-equipped RF source vs RIS-aided RF source
AM Salhab, L Yang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (8), 1712-1716, 2021
DC-bias and power allocation in cooperative VLC networks for joint information and energy transfer
M Obeed, H Dahrouj, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (12), 5486-5499, 2019
Power allocation and link selection for multicell cooperative NOMA hybrid VLC/RF systems
M Obeed, H Dahrouj, AM Salhab, A Chaaban, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (2), 560-564, 2020
Outage Analysis of N^{th}-Best DF Relay Systems in the Presence of CCI over Rayleigh Fading Channels
AM Salhab, F Al-Qahtani, SA Zummo, H Alnuweiri
IEEE communications letters 17 (4), 697-700, 2013
Multiple RISs-aided networks: Performance analysis and optimization
M Aldababsa, AM Salhab, AA Nasir, MH Samuh, DB da Costa
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (6), 7545-7559, 2023
New bandwidth efficient relaying schemes in cooperative cognitive two-way relay networks with physical layer security
AH Abd El-Malek, AM Salhab, SA Zummo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (6), 5372-5386, 2016
Performance analysis and power optimization for spectrum-sharing mixed RF/FSO relay networks with energy harvesting
AH Abd El-Malek, MA Aboulhassan, AM Salhab, SA Zummo
IEEE Photonics Journal 11 (2), 1-17, 2019
New algorithms for energy-efficient VLC networks with user-centric cell formation
M Obeed, AM Salhab, SA Zummo, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 3 (1), 108-121, 2018
Performance analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces over Nakagami-m fading channels
MH Samuh, AM Salhab
arXiv. org, 2020
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