Santi Alonso Quesada
Santi Alonso Quesada
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On a generalized time-varying SEIR epidemic model with mixed point and distributed time-varying delays and combined regular and impulsive vaccination controls
M De la Sen, RP Agarwal, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Advances in Difference Equations 2010, 1-42, 2010
Review of control technologies for floating offshore wind turbines
J López-Queija, E Robles, J Jugo, S Alonso-Quesada
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 167, 112787, 2022
On vaccination controls for the SEIR epidemic model
M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (6), 2637-2658, 2012
Control issues for the Beverton–Holt equation in ecology by locally monitoring the environment carrying capacity: Non-adaptive and adaptive cases
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (7), 2616-2633, 2009
Vaccination strategies based on feedback control techniques for a general SEIR-epidemic model
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (7), 3888-3904, 2011
A control theory point of view on Beverton–Holt equation in population dynamics and some of its generalizations
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Applied Mathematics and Computation 199 (2), 464-481, 2008
On the existence of equilibrium points, boundedness, oscillating behavior and positivity of a SVEIRS epidemic model under constant and impulsive vaccination
M De la Sen, RP Agarwal, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Advances in Difference Equations 2011, 1-32, 2011
On the stability of an SEIR epidemic model with distributed time-delay and a general class of feedback vaccination rules
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada, A Ibeas
Applied Mathematics and Computation 270, 953-976, 2015
Model-matching-based control of the Beverton-Holt equation in ecology
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2008, 793512, 2008
Robustly stable multiestimation scheme for adaptive control and identification with model reduction issues
A Bilbao-Guillerna, M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2005 (1), 31-67, 2005
An observer-based vaccination control law for an SEIR epidemic model based on feedback linearization techniques for nonlinear systems
S Alonso-Quesada, M De la Sen, RP Agarwal, A Ibeas
Advances in Difference Equations 2012, 1-32, 2012
On a New Epidemic Model with Asymptomatic and Dead‐Infective Subpopulations with Feedback Controls Useful for Ebola Disease
M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada, R Nistal
Discrete dynamics in Nature and society 2017 (1), 4232971, 2017
miR‐26a potentially contributes to the regulation of fatty acid and sterol metabolism in vitro human HepG2 cell model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
O Ali, HA Darwish, KM Eldeib, SA Abdel Azim
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018 (1), 8515343, 2018
Feedback linearization-based vaccination control strategies for true-mass action type SEIR epidemic models
M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 16 (3), 283-314, 2011
Robust sliding control of SEIR epidemic models
A Ibeas, M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 104764, 2014
On an SEIR epidemic model with vaccination of newborns and periodic impulsive vaccination with eventual on-line adapted vaccination strategies to the varying levels of the …
M Etxeberria-Etxaniz, S Alonso-Quesada, M De la Sen
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8296, 2020
Stability analysis and observer design for discrete-time SEIR epidemic models
A Ibeas, M de la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada, I Zamani
Advances in Difference Equations 2015, 1-21, 2015
On a SIR model in a patchy environment under constant and feedback decentralized controls with asymmetric parameterizations
M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada, R Nistal
Symmetry 11 (3), 430, 2019
Model matching via multirate sampling with fast sampled input guaranteeing the stability of the plant zeros: extensions to adaptive control
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
IET Control Theory & Applications 1 (1), 210-225, 2007
Stable multi-estimation model for single-input single-output discrete adaptive control systems
A Ibeas*, M De La Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
International Journal of Systems Science 35 (8), 479-501, 2004
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20