Stefano Lucidi
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A nonmonotone line search technique for Newton’s method
L Grippo, F Lampariello, S Lucidi
SIAM journal on Numerical Analysis 23 (4), 707-716, 1986
Solving the trust-region subproblem using the Lanczos method
NIM Gould, S Lucidi, M Roma, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Optimization 9 (2), 504-525, 1999
A globally convergent version of the Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient method
L Grippo, S Lucidi
Mathematical Programming 78 (3), 375-391, 1997
A truncated Newton method with nonmonotone line search for unconstrained optimization
L Grippo, F Lampariello, S Lucidi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 60, 401-419, 1989
A class of nonmonotone stabilization methods in unconstrained optimization
L Grippo, F Lampariello, S Lucidi
Numerische Mathematik 59, 779-805, 1991
A mathematical programming approach for the solution of the railway yield management problem
A Ciancimino, G Inzerillo, S Lucidi, L Palagi
Transportation science 33 (2), 168-181, 1999
Finite-element-based multiobjective design optimization procedure of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide constant-power region operation
F Parasiliti, M Villani, S Lucidi, F Rinaldi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (6), 2503-2514, 2011
Quadratically and superlinearly convergent algorithms for the solution of inequality constrained minimization problems
F Facchinei, S Lucidi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 85, 265-289, 1995
On the global convergence of derivative-free methods for unconstrained optimization
S Lucidi, M Sciandrone
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (1), 97-116, 2002
New global optimization methods for ship design problems
EF Campana, G Liuzzi, S Lucidi, D Peri, V Piccialli, A Pinto
Optimization and Engineering 10, 533-555, 2009
A derivative-free algorithm for bound constrained optimization
S Lucidi, M Sciandrone
Computational Optimization and applications 21, 119-142, 2002
New classes of globally convexized filled functions for global optimization
S Lucidi, V Piccialli
Journal of global optimization 24, 219-236, 2002
A new version of the Price's algorithm for global optimization
P Brachetti, M De Felice Ciccoli, G Di Pillo, S Lucidi
Journal of Global Optimization 10, 165-184, 1997
A smooth method for the finite minimax problem
G Di Pillo, L Grippo, S Lucidi
Mathematical Programming 60 (1), 187-214, 1993
Multiobjective optimization techniques for the design of induction motors
G Liuzzi, S Lucidi, F Parasiliti, M Villani
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39 (3), 1261-1264, 2003
An augmented Lagrangian function with improved exactness properties
G Di Pillo, S Lucidi
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (2), 376-406, 2002
Sequential penalty derivative-free methods for nonlinear constrained optimization
G Liuzzi, S Lucidi, M Sciandrone
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (5), 2614-2635, 2010
New results on a continuously differentiable exact penalty function
S Lucidi
SIAM Journal on optimization 2 (4), 558-574, 1992
Exact penalty functions for nonlinear integer programming problems
S Lucidi, F Rinaldi
Journal of optimization theory and applications 145, 479-488, 2010
Objective-derivative-free methods for constrained optimization
S Lucidi, M Sciandrone, P Tseng
Mathematical Programming 92, 37-59, 2002
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Articoli 1–20