Jan Mandel
Jan Mandel
Research Professor, Dept. Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
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Cited by
Balancing domain decomposition
J Mandel
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 9 (3), 233-241, 1993
Algebraic multigrid by smoothed aggregation for second and fourth order elliptic problems
P Vaněk, J Mandel, M Brezina
Computing 56 (3), 179-196, 1996
Optimal convergence properties of the FETI domain decomposition method
C Farhat, J Mandel, FX Roux
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 115 (3-4), 365-385, 1994
Convergence of algebraic multigrid based on smoothed aggregation
P Vaněk, M Brezina, J Mandel
Numerische Mathematik 88 (3), 559-579, 2001
Efficient preconditioning for the p-version finite element method in two dimensions
I Babuska, A Craig, J Mandel, J Pitkaranta
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 624-661, 1991
Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire modeling with WRF-Fire version 3.3
J Mandel, JD Beezley, AK Kochanski
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 4 (1), 497-545, 2011
An algebraic theory for primal and dual substructuring methods by constraints
J Mandel, CR Dohrmann, R Tezaur
Applied numerical mathematics 54 (2), 167-193, 2005
The finite volume element method for diffusion equations on general triangulations
Z Cai, J Mandel, S McCormick
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 392-402, 1991
Convergence of a balancing domain decomposition by constraints and energy minimization
J Mandel, CR Dohrmann
Numerical linear algebra with applications 10 (7), 639-659, 2003
Balancing domain decomposition for problems with large jumps in coefficients
J Mandel, M Brezina
Mathematics of Computation 65 (216), 1387-1402, 1996
The two-level FETI method for static and dynamic plate problems Part I: An optimal iterative solver for biharmonic systems
C Farhat, J Mandel
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 155 (1), 129-151, 1998
Convergence of a substructuring method with Lagrange multipliers
J Mandel, R Tezaur
Numerische Mathematik 73 (4), 473-487, 1996
A wildland fire model with data assimilation
J Mandel, LS Bennethum, JD Beezley, JL Coen, CC Douglas, M Kim, ...
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79 (3), 584-606, 2008
On the convergence of a dual-primal substructuring method
J Mandel, R Tezaur
Numerische Mathematik 88 (3), 543-558, 2001
ARW version 3 modeling system user’s guide
W Wang, C Bruyčre, M Duda, J Dudhia, D Gill, HC Lin, J Michalakes, ...
Chapter 3, 59-60, 2010
Balancing domain decomposition for mixed finite elements
LC Cowsar, J Mandel, MF Wheeler
Mathematics of Computation 64 (211), 989-1016, 1995
A scalable Lagrange multiplier based domain decomposition method for time‐dependent problems
C Farhat, PS Chen, J Mandel
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 38 (22), 3831-3853, 1995
On the convergence of the ensemble Kalman filter
J Mandel, L Cobb, JD Beezley
Applications of Mathematics 56 (6), 533-541, 2011
Energy optimization of algebraic multigrid bases
J Mandel, M Brezina, P Vaněk
Computing 62 (3), 205-228, 1999
The two-level FETI method Part II: Extension to shell problems, parallel implementation and performance results
C Farhat, PS Chen, J Mandel, FX Roux
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 155 (1-2), 153-179, 1998
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Articles 1–20