Tomislav Ivek
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Cited by
The spin-ladder and spin-chain system (La, Y, Sr, Ca) 14Cu24O41: Electronic phases, charge and spin dynamics
T Vuletić, B Korin-Hamzić, T Ivek, S Tomić, B Gorshunov, M Dressel, ...
Physics reports 428 (4), 169-258, 2006
Absence of charge order in the dimerized -phase BEDT-TTF salts
K Sedlmeier, S Elsässer, D Neubauer, R Beyer, D Wu, T Ivek, S Tomić, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 245103, 2012
Electrodynamic response of the charge ordering phase: Dielectric and optical studies of -(BEDT-TTF)I
T Ivek, B Korin-Hamzić, O Milat, S Tomić, C Clauss, N Drichko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165128, 2011
Anisotropic charge dynamics in the quantum spin-liquid candidate
M Pinterić, M Čulo, O Milat, M Basletić, B Korin-Hamzić, E Tafra, A Hamzić, ...
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195139, 2014
: Reentrant Spin Glass and Superconductivity
S Zapf, HS Jeevan, T Ivek, F Pfister, F Klingert, S Jiang, D Wu, ...
Physical review letters 110 (23), 237002, 2013
Collective Excitations in the Charge-Ordered Phase of
T Ivek, B Korin-Hamzić, O Milat, S Tomić, C Clauss, N Drichko, ...
Physical review letters 104 (20), 206406, 2010
Pressure-dependent optical investigations of : Tuning charge order and narrow gap towards a Dirac semimetal
R Beyer, A Dengl, T Peterseim, S Wackerow, T Ivek, AV Pronin, ...
Physical Review B 93 (19), 195116, 2016
Anion effects on electronic structure and electrodynamic properties of the Mott insulator
M Pinterić, P Lazić, A Pustogow, T Ivek, M Kuveždić, O Milat, B Gumhalter, ...
Physical Review B 94 (16), 161105, 2016
Magnetic ordering and charge dynamics in κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu [N (CN) 2] Cl
S Tomić, M Pinterić, T Ivek, K Sedlmeier, R Beyer, D Wu, JA Schlueter, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (43), 436004, 2013
Anisotropic charge modulation in ladder planes of
T Vuletić, T Ivek, B Korin-Hamzić, S Tomić, B Gorshunov, P Haas, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (1), 012508, 2005
Two-step transition in a magnetoelectric ferrimagnet CuOSeO
I Živković, D Pajić, T Ivek, H Berger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (22), 224402, 2012
Metal-insulator transition in the dimerized organic conductor
T Ivek, R Beyer, S Badalov, M Čulo, S Tomić, JA Schlueter, EI Zhilyaeva, ...
Physical Review B 96 (8), 085116, 2017
Short-fragment Na-DNA dilute aqueous solutions: Fundamental length scales and screening
S Tomić, SD Babić, T Ivek, T Vuletić, S Krča, F Livolant, R Podgornik
Europhysics letters 81 (6), 68003, 2008
Influence of chemical substitution on broadband dielectric response of barium-lead M-type hexaferrite
LN Alyabyeva, VI Torgashev, ES Zhukova, DA Vinnik, AS Prokhorov, ...
New journal of physics 21 (6), 063016, 2019
Cooperative dynamics in charge-ordered state of -(BEDT-TTF)I
T Ivek, I Kovačević, M Pinterić, B Korin-Hamzić, S Tomić, T Knoblauch, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 245125, 2012
Structure and dynamics of hyaluronic acid semidilute solutions: a dielectric spectroscopy study
T Vuletić, S Dolanski Babić, T Ivek, D Grgičin, S Tomić, R Podgornik
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (1 …, 2010
Pressure dependence of the metal-insulator transition in κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Hg (SCN) 2Cl: optical and transport studies
A Löhle, E Rose, S Singh, R Beyer, E Tafra, T Ivek, EI Zhilyaeva, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (5), 055601, 2016
Semimetallic and charge-ordered : On the role of disorder in dc transport and dielectric properties
T Ivek, M Čulo, M Kuveždić, E Tutiš, M Basletić, B Mihaljević, E Tafra, ...
Physical Review B 96 (7), 075141, 2017
ESR studies on the spin-liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu2 (CN) 3: Anomalous response below T= 8 K
KG Padmalekha, M Blankenhorn, T Ivek, L Bogani, JA Schlueter, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 460, 211-213, 2015
Collective charge excitations below the metal-to-insulator transition in
T Ivek, T Vuletić, S Tomić, A Akrap, H Berger, L Forro
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (3), 035110, 2008
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Articles 1–20