Pasqualina Laganą
Pasqualina Laganą
Professore Associato di Igiene Gen. e Applicata
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Campylobacter: from microbiology to prevention
A Facciolą, R Riso, E Avventuroso, G Visalli, SA Delia, P Lagana
Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene 58 (2), E79, 2017
Do plastics serve as a possible vector for the spread of antibiotic resistance? First insights from bacteria associated to a polystyrene piece from King George Island (Antarctica)
P Laganą, G Caruso, I Corsi, E Bergami, V Venuti, D Majolino, R La Ferla, ...
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 222 (1), 89-100, 2019
Susceptibility to antibiotics of Vibrio spp. and Photobacterium damsela ssp. piscicida strains isolated from Italian aquaculture farms
P Laganą, G Caruso, E Minutoli, R Zaccone, S Delia
New microbiologica 34 (1), 53-63, 2011
In Vitro Antibiofilm Activity of an Exopolysaccharide from the Marine Thermophilic Bacillus licheniformis T14
A Spanņ, P Laganą, G Visalli, TL Maugeri, C Gugliandolo
Current microbiology 72, 518-528, 2016
The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on the environment
A Facciolą, P Laganą, G Caruso
Environmental research 201, 111648, 2021
Natural iron chelators: Protective role in A549 cells of flavonoids-rich extracts of Citrus juices in Fe3+-induced oxidative stress
N Ferlazzo, G Visalli, S Cirmi, GE Lombardo, P Laganą, A Di Pietro, ...
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 43, 248-256, 2016
The new era of vaccines: the" nanovaccinology".
A Facciolą, G Visalli, P Laganą, V La Fauci, R Squeri, GF Pellicanņ, ...
European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences 23 (16), 2019
Evaluation of Legionella Air Contamination in Healthcare Facilities by Different Sampling Methods: An Italian Multicenter Study
MT Montagna, O De Giglio, ML Cristina, C Napoli, C Pacifico, A Agodi, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (7), 670, 2017
Screening of antimicrobial activity of citrus essential oils against pathogenic bacteria and Candida strains
M Mancuso, M Catalfamo, P Laganą, AC Rappazzo, V Raymo, ...
Flavour and Fragrance Journal 34 (3), 187-200, 2019
Serological and molecular identification of Legionella spp. isolated from water and surrounding air samples in Italian healthcare facilities
MT Montagna, ML Cristina, O De Giglio, AM Spagnolo, C Napoli, ...
Environmental Research 146, 47-50, 2016
Phenolic substances in foods: Health effects as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents
P Laganą, G Anastasi, F Marano, S Piccione, RK Singla, AK Dubey, ...
Journal of AOAC International 102 (5), 1378-1387, 2019
Psoriasis and cardiovascular risk: correlation between psoriasis and cardiovascular functional indices
G Dattilo, E Imbalzano, M Casale, C Guarneri, F Borgia, S Mondello, ...
Angiology 69 (1), 31-37, 2018
Safety and tolerability of antimicrobial agents in the older patient
L Soraci, A Cherubini, L Paoletti, G Filippelli, F Luciani, P Laganą, ...
Drugs & Aging 40 (6), 499-526, 2023
Environmental Management of Legionella in Domestic Water Systems: Consolidated and Innovative Approaches for Disinfection Methods and Risk Assessment
EL Sciuto, P Laganą, S Filice, S Scalese, S Libertino, D Corso, G Faro, ...
Microorganisms 9 (3), 577, 2021
Prevalence of human papillomavirus in saliva of women with HPV genital lesions
G Visalli, M Currņ, A Facciolą, R Riso, P Mondello, P Laganą, A Di Pietro, ...
Infectious agents and cancer 11, 1-6, 2016
microRNAs to monitor pain-migraine and drug treatment
L Gallelli, E Cione, MC Caroleo, M Carotenuto, P Lagana, A Siniscalchi, ...
Microrna 6 (3), 152-156, 2017
Trasparenza e valorizzazione delle produzioni alimentari. L'etichettatura e la tracciabilitą di filiera come strumenti di tutela [= Transparency and promotion of food …
I Mania, C Barone, A Pellerito, P Lagana, S Parisi
INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI 56 (581), 18-22, 2017
Knowledge, experiences, and attitudes toward Mantoux test among medical and health professional students in Italy: a cross-sectional study
MT Montagna, S Mascipinto, C Pousis, FP Bianchi, G Caggiano, ...
Annali di igiene medicina preventiva e di comunitą 30 (5), 86-98, 2018
Hand washing in operating room: a procedural comparison
A Stilo, G Troiano, L Melcarne, ME Gioffrč, N Nante, G Messina, P Laganą
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public Health 13 (3), 2016
Virulence factors in Vibrios and Aeromonads isolated from seafood.
ME Scoglio, A Di Pietro, I Picerno, S Delia, A Mauro, P Lagana
The New microbiologica 24 (3), 273-280, 2001
Il sistema al momento non puņ eseguire l'operazione. Riprova pił tardi.
Articoli 1–20