Vineet Rajani
Vineet Rajani
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Information flow control in WebKit’s JavaScript bytecode
A Bichhawat, V Rajani, D Garg, C Hammer
Principles of Security and Trust: Third International Conference, POST 2014 …, 2014
Non-homogeneous disk abstraction for data oriented applications
V Rajani, NS Tomar
US Patent 9,880,773, 2018
Information flow control for event handling and the DOM in web browsers
V Rajani, A Bichhawat, D Garg, C Hammer
2015 IEEE 28th Computer Security Foundations Symposium, 366-379, 2015
Generalizing permissive-upgrade in dynamic information flow analysis
A Bichhawat, V Rajani, D Garg, C Hammer
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for …, 2014
Types for information flow control: Labeling granularity and semantic models
V Rajani, D Garg
2018 IEEE 31st Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 233-246, 2018
A unifying type-theory for higher-order (amortized) cost analysis
V Rajani, M Gaboardi, D Garg, J Hoffmann
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5 (POPL), 1-28, 2021
From fine-to coarse-grained dynamic information flow control and back
M Vassena, A Russo, D Garg, V Rajani, D Stefan
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (POPL), 1-31, 2019
On access control, capabilities, their equivalence, and confused deputy attacks
V Rajani, D Garg, T Rezk
2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 150-163, 2016
Webpol: Fine-grained information flow policies for web browsers
A Bichhawat, V Rajani, J Jain, D Garg, C Hammer
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 242-259, 2017
Type systems for information flow control: The question of granularity
V Rajani, I Bastys, W Rafnsson, D Garg
ACM SIGLOG News 4 (1), 6-21, 2017
Counterfactual explanations and model multiplicity: a relational verification view
F Leofante, E Botoeva, V Rajani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge …, 2023
On the expressiveness and semantics of information flow types
V Rajani, D Garg
Journal of Computer Security 28 (1), 129-156, 2020
Object‐oriented wrappers for the Linux kernel
D Janakiram, A Gunnam, N Suneetha, V Rajani, KVK Reddy
Software: Practice and Experience 38 (13), 1411-1427, 2008
Xi-Calculus: A Calculus for Service Interactions
V Rajani, A Kumar, D Janakiram
2010 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 105-113, 2010
Permissive runtime information flow control in the presence of exceptions
A Bichhawat, V Rajani, D Garg, C Hammer
Journal of Computer Security 29 (4), 361-401, 2021
A type-theory for higher-order amortized analysis
V Rajani
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2020
Heterogeneous disk to apply service level agreement levels
V Rajani, NS Tomar
US Patent 10,613,786, 2020
The 19th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2024)
LA Daniel, V Rajani
Proceedings of the 2024 on ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and …, 2024
A Modal Type Theory of Expected Cost in Higher-Order Probabilistic Programs
V Rajani, G Barthe, D Garg
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8 (OOPSLA2), 389-414, 2024
From Fine-to Coarse-Grained Dynamic Information Flow Control and Back
M Vassena, A Russo, D Garg, V Rajani, D Stefan
Foundations and Trends® in Programming Languages 8 (1), 1-117, 2023
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