Andy Ruina
Andy Ruina
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
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Slip instability and state variable friction laws
A Ruina
J. geophys. Res 88 (10), 359-10, 1983
Efficient bipedal robots based on passive-dynamic walkers
S Collins, A Ruina, R Tedrake, M Wisse
Science 307 (5712), 1082-1085, 2005
The simplest walking model: Stability, complexity, and scaling
M Garcia, A Chatterjee, A Ruina, M Coleman
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 120, 281, 1998
Stability of steady frictional slipping
JR Rice, A Ruina
Journal of applied mechanics 50, 343-349, 1983
A three-dimensional passive-dynamic walking robot with two legs and knees
SH Collins, M Wisse, A Ruina
The International Journal of Robotics Research 20 (7), 607-615, 2001
Energetic consequences of walking like an inverted pendulum: step-to-step transitions
AD Kuo, JM Donelan, A Ruina
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 33 (2), 88, 2005
Computer optimization of a minimal biped model discovers walking and running
M Srinivasan, A Ruina
Nature 439 (7072), 72-75, 2006
Slip motion and stability of a single degree of freedom elastic system with rate and state dependent friction
JC Gu, JR Rice, AL Ruina, TT Simon
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 32 (3), 167-196, 1984
A bipedal walking robot with efficient and human-like gait
SH Collins, A Ruina
Robotics and Automation, 2005. ICRA 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE …, 2005
Linearized dynamics equations for the balance and steer of a bicycle: a benchmark and review
JP Meijaard, JM Papadopoulos, A Ruina, AL Schwab
Proceedings of the Royal society A: mathematical, physical and engineering …, 2007
A collisional model of the energetic cost of support work qualitatively explains leg sequencing in walking and galloping, pseudo-elastic leg behavior in running and the walk-to …
A Ruina, JEA Bertram, M Srinivasan
Journal of Theoretical Biology 237 (2), 170-192, 2005
Multiple walking speed–frequency relations are predicted by constrained optimization
JEA Bertram, A Ruina
Journal of theoretical Biology 209 (4), 445-453, 2001
Planar sliding with dry friction Part 2. Dynamics of motion
S Goyal, A Ruina, J Papadopoulos
Wear 143 (2), 331-352, 1991
Planar sliding with dry friction Part 1. Limit surface and moment function
S Goyal, A Ruina, J Papadopoulos
Wear 143 (2), 307-330, 1991
Efficiency, speed, and scaling of two-dimensional passive-dynamic walking
M Garcia, A Chatterjee, A Ruina
Dynamics and Stability of Systems 15 (2), 75-99, 2000
A bicycle can be self-stable without gyroscopic or caster effects
JDG Kooijman, JP Meijaard, JM Papadopoulos, A Ruina, AL Schwab
Science 332 (6027), 339-342, 2011
A new algebraic rigid-body collision law based on impulse space considerations
A Chatterjee, A Ruina
Low-bandwidth reflex-based control for lower power walking: 65 km on a single battery charge
PA Bhounsule, J Cortell, A Grewal, B Hendriksen, JGD Karssen, C Paul, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 33 (10), 1305-1321, 2014
Motions of a rimless spoked wheel: a simple three-dimensional system with impacts
MJ Coleman, A Chatterjee, A Ruina
Dynamics and stability of systems 12 (3), 139-159, 1997
Friction laws and instabilities: A quasistatic analysis of some dry frictional behavior
Brown university, 1981
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20