Giulia Buodo
Giulia Buodo
Associate Professor, Department of General Psychology, University of Padova
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Attentional resources measured by reaction times highlight differences within pleasant and unpleasant, high arousing stimuli
G Buodo, M Sarlo, D Palomba
Motivation and Emotion 26, 123-138, 2002
Changes in EEG alpha power to different disgust elicitors: the specificity of mutilations
M Sarlo, G Buodo, S Poli, D Palomba
Neuroscience letters 382 (3), 291-296, 2005
Stimulus-preceding negativity and heart rate changes in anticipation of affective pictures
S Poli, M Sarlo, M Bortoletto, G Buodo, D Palomba
International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (1), 32-39, 2007
Problematic Internet use and loneliness: How complex is the relationship? A short literature review
T Moretta, G Buodo
Current Addiction Reports 7, 125-136, 2020
It's immoral, but I'd do it! Psychopathy traits affect decision‐making in sacrificial dilemmas and in everyday moral situations
C Pletti, L Lotto, G Buodo, M Sarlo
British Journal of Psychology 108 (2), 351-368, 2017
Tracing 20 years of research on problematic use of the internet and social media: Theoretical models, assessment tools, and an agenda for future work
T Moretta, G Buodo, Z Demetrovics, MN Potenza
Comprehensive Psychiatry 112, 152286, 2022
The neural correlates of attentional bias in blood phobia as revealed by the N2pc
G Buodo, M Sarlo, M Munafo
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 5 (1), 29-38, 2010
Blood pressure changes highlight gender differences in emotional reactivity to arousing pictures
M Sarlo, D Palomba, G Buodo, R Minghetti, L Stegagno
Biological psychology 70 (3), 188-196, 2005
Cardiovascular dynamics in blood phobia: Evidence for a key role of sympathetic activity in vulnerability to syncope
M Sarlo, G Buodo, M Munafò, L Stegagno, D Palomba
Psychophysiology 45 (6), 1038-1045, 2008
Modeling Problematic Facebook Use: Highlighting the role of mood regulation and preference for online social interaction
T Moretta, G Buodo
Addictive behaviors 87, 214-221, 2018
Parenting stress and externalizing behavior symptoms in children: The impact of emotional reactivity
G Buodo, U Moscardino, S Scrimin, G Altoè, D Palomba
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 44, 786-797, 2013
Media exposure to terrorism and people's risk perception: The role of environmental sensitivity and psychophysiological response to stress
E Rubaltelli, S Scrimin, U Moscardino, G Priolo, G Buodo
British Journal of Psychology 109 (4), 656-673, 2018
Psychological distress and post-traumatic symptoms following occupational accidents
M Ghisi, C Novara, G Buodo, MO Kimble, S Scozzari, A Di Natale, ...
Behavioral sciences 3 (4), 587-600, 2013
Autonomic stress reactivity and craving in individuals with problematic Internet use
T Moretta, G Buodo
PloS one 13 (1), e0190951, 2018
Dysphoria is associated with reduced cardiac vagal withdrawal during the imagery of pleasant scripts: Evidence for the positive attenuation hypothesis
SM Benvenuti, R Mennella, G Buodo, D Palomba
Biological psychology 106, 28-38, 2015
A test of the pathway model of problematic smartphone use
N Canale, T Moretta, L Pancani, G Buodo, A Vieno, M Dalmaso, J Billieux
Journal of behavioral addictions 10 (1), 181-193, 2021
Influence of impulsiveness on emotional modulation of response inhibition: An ERP study
SM Benvenuti, M Sarlo, G Buodo, G Mento, D Palomba
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (10), 1915-1925, 2015
Neurofeedback training for tourette syndrome: an uncontrolled single case study
S Messerotti Benvenuti, G Buodo, V Leone, D Palomba
Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback 36, 281-288, 2011
Event‐related potentials and visual avoidance in blood phobics: is there any attentional bias?
G Buodo, M Sarlo, M Codispoti, D Palomba
Depression and anxiety 23 (5), 304-311, 2006
Emotional modulation of alpha asymmetry in dysphoria: results from an emotional imagery task
R Mennella, SM Benvenuti, G Buodo, D Palomba
International Journal of Psychophysiology 97 (2), 113-119, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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