Square-free Gröbner degenerations A Conca, M Varbaro Inventiones mathematicae 221 (3), 713-730, 2020 | 108 | 2020 |
Determinants, Gröbner bases and cohomology W Bruns, A Conca, C Raicu, M Varbaro Springer, 2022 | 58 | 2022 |
Symbolic powers and matroids M Varbaro Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2357-2366, 2011 | 54 | 2011 |
Maximal minors and linear powers W Bruns, A Conca, M Varbaro Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2015 (702 …, 2015 | 49* | 2015 |
Graded Betti numbers of ideals with linear quotients L Sharifan, M Varbaro arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.3088, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Relations between the minors of a generic matrix W Bruns, A Conca, M Varbaro Advances in Mathematics 244, 171-206, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Multiplicities of classical varieties J Jeffries, J Montano, M Varbaro Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 110 (4), 1033-1055, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Cohomological and projective dimensions M Varbaro Compositio Mathematica 149 (7), 1203-1210, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Gröbner bases, initial ideals and initial algebras W Bruns, A Conca, C Raicu, M Varbaro Determinants, Gröbner Bases and Cohomology, 1-42, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Regularity of prime ideals G Caviglia, M Chardin, J McCullough, I Peeva, M Varbaro Mathematische Zeitschrift 291, 421-435, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
On the h-vectors of Cohen-Macaulay flag complexes A Constantinescu, M Varbaro Mathematica Scandinavica, 86-111, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
On the dual graphs of Cohen–Macaulay algebras B Benedetti, M Varbaro International mathematics research notices 2015 (17), 8085-8115, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Gröbner deformations, connectedness and cohomological dimension M Varbaro Journal of Algebra 322 (7), 2492-2507, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
On a conjecture by Kalai G Caviglia, A Constantinescu, M Varbaro Israel Journal of Mathematics 204, 469-475, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Koszulness, Krull dimension, and other properties of graph-related algebras A Constantinescu, M Varbaro Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 34 (3), 375-400, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
The possible extremal Betti numbers of a homogeneous ideal J Herzog, L Sharifan, M Varbaro Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (6), 1875-1891, 2014 | 19* | 2014 |
Hankel determinantal rings have rational singularities A Conca, M Mostafazadehfard, AK Singh, M Varbaro Advances in Mathematics 335, 111-129, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Generic and special constructions of pure O-sequences A Constantinescu, T Kahle, M Varbaro Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 46 (5), 924-942, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
The F-pure threshold of a determinantal ideal LE Miller, AK Singh, M Varbaro Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series 45, 767-775, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
A Gorenstein Criterion for Strongly F-Regular and Log Terminal Singularities AK Singh, S Takagi, M Varbaro International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 (21), 6484-6522, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |