Christian Detweiler
Christian Detweiler
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Elicitation of situated values: need for tools to help stakeholders and designers to reflect and communicate
A Pommeranz, C Detweiler, P Wiggers, C Jonker
Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4), 285-303, 2012
Self-reflection on personal values to support value-sensitive design
A Pommeranz, C Detweiler, P Wiggers, CM Jonker
Proceedings of HCI 2011 The 25th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2011
Embedding stakeholder values in the requirements engineering process
M Harbers, C Detweiler, MA Neerincx
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 21st …, 2015
An introduction to the pocket negotiator: a general purpose negotiation support system
CM Jonker, R Aydoğan, T Baarslag, J Broekens, CA Detweiler, ...
Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies: 14th European Conference …, 2017
Value Stories: Putting Human Values into Requirements Engineering.
C Detweiler, M Harbers
REFSQ Workshops 1138, 2-11, 2014
Philosophy meets internet engineering: Ethics in networked systems research.(GTC workshop outcomes paper)
B Zevenbergen, B Mittelstadt, C Véliz, C Detweiler, C Cath, J Savulescu, ...
GTC Workshop Outcomes Paper)(September 29, 2015), 2015
A survey of values, technologies and contexts in pervasive healthcare
CA Detweiler, KV Hindriks
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 27, 1-13, 2016
Principles for value-sensitive agent-oriented software engineering
C Detweiler, K Hindriks, C Jonker
International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 1-16, 2010
Towards community-based co-creation
A Huldtgren, C Detweiler, H Alers, S Fitrianie, NA Guldemond
Human Factors in Computing and Informatics: First International Conference …, 2013
Value-sensitive design patterns for pervasive health care
C Detweiler, K Hindriks
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2012
Methods to account for values in human-centered computing
C Detweiler, A Pommeranz, L Stark
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2735-2738, 2012
Trust in online technology: Towards practical guidelines based on experimentally verified theory
C Detweiler, J Broekens
Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient, Ubiquitous and Intelligent Interaction …, 2009
Values in design-building bridges between RE, HCI and ethics
C Detweiler, A Pommeranz, J Hoven, H Nissenbaum
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Personal informatics for reflection on personal values
CA Detweiler, A Pommeranz, CM Jonker
CHI 2011 workshop on personal informatics and HCI: Design, theory, and …, 2011
Accounting for values in design
CA Detweiler
Ambient intelligence implies responsibility
CA Detweiler, F Dechesne, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker
Agents and Ambient Intelligence, 33-61, 2012
A value-sensitive approach to agent-oriented software engineering
C Detweiler, K Hindriks, C Jonker
Workshop 8 The Eleventh International Workshop on Agent Oriented Software …, 2010
Redefining Relationships in Music
C Detweiler, B Coleman, F Diaz, L Dom, C Donahue, J Engel, CZA Huang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08038, 2022
Workshop Chairs
C Detweiler, A Pommeranz, J van den Hoven, H Nissenbaum, J Broekens, ...
1st International Workshop on Values in Design–Building Bridges between RE …, 2011
Designing and evaluating for trust: A perspective from the new practitioners
AA O’Kane, C Detweiler, A Pommeranz
1st International Workshop on Values in Design–Building Bridges between RE …, 2011
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Articles 1–20