Black hole remnants and the information loss paradox P Chen, YC Ong, D Yeom
Physics reports 603, 1-45, 2015
326 2015 Problems with propagation and time evolution in gravity YC Ong, K Izumi, JM Nester, P Chen
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (2), 024019, 2013
130 2013 Generalized uncertainty principle, black holes, and white dwarfs: a tale of two infinities YC Ong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (09), 015, 2018
121 2018 Cosmological perturbation in f (T) gravity revisited K Izumi, YC Ong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2013 (06), 029, 2013
117 2013 Massive gravity acausality redux S Deser, K Izumi, YC Ong, A Waldron
Physics Letters B 726 (1-3), 544-548, 2013
92 2013 On horizonless temperature with an accelerating mirror MRR Good, K Yelshibekov, YC Ong
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (3), 1-33, 2017
62 2017 Entanglement entropy and complexity for one-dimensional holographic superconductors MK Zangeneh, YC Ong, B Wang
Physics Letters B 771, 235-241, 2017
54 2017 Problems of massive gravities S Deser, K Izumi, YC Ong, A Waldron
Modern Physics Letters A 30 (03n04), 1540006, 2015
54 2015 The persistence of the large volumes in black holes YC Ong
General Relativity and Gravitation 47, 1-11, 2015
52 2015 Never judge a black hole by its area YC Ong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (04), 003, 2015
49 2015 Generalized uncertainty principle: implications for black hole complementarity P Chen, YC Ong, D Yeom
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (12), 1-14, 2014
49 2014 Naked black hole firewalls P Chen, YC Ong, DN Page, M Sasaki, D Yeom
Physical Review Letters 116 (16), 161304, 2016
48 2016 Remnant symmetry, propagation, and evolution in gravity P Chen, K Izumi, JM Nester, YC Ong
Physical Review D 91 (6), 064003, 2015
48 2015 GUP-corrected black hole thermodynamics and the maximum force conjecture YC Ong
Physics Letters B 785, 217-220, 2018
47 2018 Signatures of energy flux in particle production: a black hole birth cry and death gasp MRR Good, YC Ong
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (7), 1-13, 2015
44 2015 An analysis of characteristics in nonlinear massive gravity K Izumi, YC Ong
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (18), 184008, 2013
44 2013 Generalized uncertainty principle and white dwarfs redux: how the cosmological constant protects the Chandrasekhar limit YC Ong, Y Yao
Physical Review D 98 (12), 126018, 2018
43 2018 Acausality and Non-Unique Evolution in Generalized Teleparallel Gravity K Izumi, JA Gu, YC Ong
Physical Review D 89, 084025, 2014
43 2014 Lux in obscuro: photon orbits of extremal black holes revisited FS Khoo, YC Ong
Classical and quantum gravity 33 (23), 235002, 2016
41 2016 Are black holes springlike? MRR Good, YC Ong
Physical Review D 91 (4), 044031, 2015
41 2015