Roberto Bagnara
Roberto Bagnara
Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences - University of Parma, Italy
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The Parma Polyhedra Library: Toward a complete set of numerical abstractions for the analysis and verification of hardware and software systems
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Science of Computer Programming 72 (1-2), 3-21, 2008
Precise widening operators for convex polyhedra
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Ricci, E Zaffanella
Science of Computer Programming 58 (1-2), 28-56, 2005
Possibly not closed convex polyhedra and the Parma Polyhedra Library
R Bagnara, E Ricci, E Zaffanella, PM Hill
Static Analysis: 9th International Symposium, SAS 2002 Madrid, Spain …, 2002
Widening operators for powerset domains
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
International Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract …, 2004
A unified proof for the convergence of Jacobi and Gauss–Seidel methods
R Bagnara
SIAM review 37 (1), 93-97, 1995
Data-flow analysis for constraint logic-based languages
R Bagnara
Università di Pisa. Dipartimento di Informatica, 1997
Weakly-relational shapes for numeric abstractions: improved algorithms and proofs of correctness
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Formal Methods in System Design 35 (3), 279-323, 2009
Generation of basic semi-algebraic invariants using convex polyhedra
R Bagnara, E Rodríguez-Carbonell, E Zaffanella
International Static Analysis Symposium, 19-34, 2005
Symbolic path-oriented test data generation for floating-point programs
R Bagnara, M Carlier, R Gori, A Gotlieb
2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2013
Not necessarily closed convex polyhedra and the double description method
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Formal Aspects of Computing 17, 222-257, 2005
A new look at the automatic synthesis of linear ranking functions
R Bagnara, F Mesnard, A Pescetti, E Zaffanella
Information and Computation 215, 47-67, 2012
Applications of polyhedral computations to the analysis and verification of hardware and software systems
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (46), 4672-4691, 2009
Set-sharing is redundant for pair-sharing
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Static Analysis: 4th International Symposium, SAS'97 Paris, France …, 1997
The MISRA C coding standard and its role in the development and analysis of safety-and security-critical embedded software
R Bagnara, A Bagnara, PM Hill
International Static Analysis Symposium, 5-23, 2018
Factorizing Equivalent Variable Pairs in ROBDD-Based Implementations of Pos
R Bagnara, P Schachte
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 1999
An improved tight closure algorithm for integer octagonal constraints
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 9th International …, 2008
Set-sharing is redundant for pair-sharing
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Zaffanella
Theoretical Computer Science 277 (1-2), 3-46, 2002
Hill, and Enea Zaffanella. 2008. The Parma Polyhedra Library: Toward a complete set of numerical abstractions for the analysis and verification of hardware and software systems
R Bagnara, M Patricia
Sci. Comput. Program 72 (1-2), 3-21, 2008
cTI: A constraint-based termination inference tool for ISO-Prolog
F Mesnard, R Bagnara
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 5 (1-2), 243-257, 2005
Widening operators for weakly-relational numeric abstractions
R Bagnara, PM Hill, E Mazzi, E Zaffanella
International Static Analysis Symposium, 3-18, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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