Pietro Burrascano
Pietro Burrascano
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy
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Cited by
Learning vector quantization for the probabilistic neural network
P Burrascano
IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 2 (4), 458-461, 1991
A review of artificial neural networks applications in microwave computer‐aided design (invited article)
P Burrascano, S Fiori, M Mongiardo
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 9 (3 …, 1999
Coded waveforms for optimised air-coupled ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation
D Hutchins, P Burrascano, L Davis, S Laureti, M Ricci
Ultrasonics 54 (7), 1745-1759, 2014
Skyrmion based microwave detectors and harvesting
G Finocchio, M Ricci, R Tomasello, A Giordano, M Lanuzza, V Puliafito, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (26), 2015
Optimization of the pulse-compression technique applied to the infrared thermography nondestructive evaluation
G Silipigni, P Burrascano, DA Hutchins, S Laureti, R Petrucci, L Senni, ...
NDT & E International 87, 100-110, 2017
Exploiting pseudorandom sequences to enhance noise immunity for air-coupled ultrasonic nondestructive testing
M Ricci, L Senni, P Burrascano
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 61 (11), 2905-2915, 2012
An experimental comparison of multi-frequency and chirp excitations for eddy current testing on thin defects
G Betta, L Ferrigno, M Laracca, P Burrascano, M Ricci, G Silipigni
Measurement 63, 207-220, 2015
The use of pulse-compression thermography for detecting defects in paintings
S Laureti, S Sfarra, H Malekmohammadi, P Burrascano, DA Hutchins, ...
Ndt & E International 98, 147-154, 2018
A neural network model for CAD and optimization of microwave filters
P Burrascano, M Dionigi, C Fancelli, M Mongiardo
1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 98CH36192 …, 1998
Digital signal transmission on power line carrier channels: an introduction
P Burrascano, S Cristina, M D'Amore, M Salerno
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 2 (1), 50-56, 1987
Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation systems: Industrial application issues
P Burrascano, S Callegari, A Montisci, M Ricci, M Versaci
Springer, 2014
A norm selection criterion for the generalized delta rule
P Burrascano
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 2 (1), 125-130, 1991
On-line automatic detection of foreign bodies in biscuits by infrared thermography and image processing
L Senni, M Ricci, A Palazzi, P Burrascano, P Pennisi, F Ghirelli
Journal of Food Engineering 128, 146-156, 2014
Pulse-compression ultrasonic technique for the inspection of forged steel with high attenuation
M Ricci, L Senni, P Burrascano, R Borgna, S Neri, M Calderini
Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring 54 (2), 91-95, 2012
Development of integrated innovative techniques for paintings examination: The case studies of The Resurrection of Christ attributed to Andrea Mantegna and the Crucifixion of …
S Laureti, C Colantonio, P Burrascano, M Melis, G Calabrò, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage 40, 1-16, 2019
Comparative study between linear and non-linear frequency-modulated pulse-compression thermography
S Laureti, G Silipigni, L Senni, R Tomasello, P Burrascano, M Ricci
Applied optics 57 (18), D32-D39, 2018
Performance evaluation of digital signal transmission channels on coronating power lines
P Burrascano, S Cristina, M D'Amore
1988 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 365-368, 1988
Electrical detection of single magnetic skyrmion at room temperature
R Tomasello, M Ricci, P Burrascano, V Puliafito, M Carpentieri, ...
Aip Advances 7 (5), 2017
Halogen optical referred pulse-compression thermography for defect detection of CFRP
S Wu, B Gao, Y Yang, Y Zhu, P Burrascano, S Laureti, M Ricci, Y Wang
Infrared Physics & Technology 102, 103006, 2019
Pulse compression in nondestructive testing applications: reduction of near sidelobes exploiting reactance transformation
P Burrascano, S Laureti, L Senni, M Ricci
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 66 (5), 1886-1896, 2018
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Articles 1–20