Elettra Marone
Elettra Marone
Ricercatore universitario Arboricoltura e Coltivazioni Arboree (AGR/03), Università di Teramo
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Dietary supplementation with dried olive pomace in dairy cows modifies the composition of fatty acids and the aromatic profile in milk and related cheese
F Castellani, A Vitali, N Bernardi, E Marone, F Palazzo, L Grotta, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (11), 8658-8669, 2017
Comparing image (fractal analysis) and electrochemical (impedance spectroscopy and electrolyte leakage) techniques for the assessment of the freezing tolerance in olive
E Azzarello, S Mugnai, C Pandolfi, E Masi, E Marone, S Mancuso
Trees 23, 159-167, 2009
Influence of growing season temperatures in the fatty acids (FAs) of triacilglycerols (TAGs) composition in Italian cultivars of Olea europaea
N Lombardo, E Marone, M Alessandrino, G Godino, A Madeo, P Fiorino
Advances in Horticultural Science 22 (1), 49-53, 2008
Influence of grape pomace intake on nutritional value, lipid oxidation and volatile profile of poultry meat
F Bennato, A Di Luca, C Martino, A Ianni, E Marone, L Grotta, ...
Foods 9 (4), 508, 2020
Covering the different steps of the coffee processing: Can headspace VOC emissions be exploited to successfully distinguish between Arabica and Robusta?
I Colzi, C Taiti, E Marone, S Magnelli, C Gonnelli, S Mancuso
Food chemistry 237, 257-263, 2017
Nashi or Williams pear fruits? Use of volatile organic compounds, physicochemical parameters, and sensory evaluation to understand the consumer’s preference
C Taiti, E Marone, M Lanza, E Azzarello, E Masi, C Pandolfi, E Giordani, ...
European Food Research and Technology 243, 1917-1931, 2017
Dietary supplementation of dried grape pomace increases the amount of linoleic acid in beef, reduces the lipid oxidation and modifies the volatile profile
A Ianni, A Di Luca, C Martino, F Bennato, E Marone, L Grotta, A Cichelli, ...
Animals 9 (8), 578, 2019
Sensory, spectrometric (PTR–ToF–MS) and chemometric analyses to distinguish extra virgin from virgin olive oils
E Marone, E Masi, C Taiti, C Pandolfi, N Bazihizina, E Azzarello, P Fiorino, ...
Journal of Food Science and Technology 54, 1368-1376, 2017
Nutrigenomic effects of long-term grape pomace supplementation in dairy cows
M Pauletto, R Elgendy, A Ianni, E Marone, M Giantin, L Grotta, ...
Animals 10 (4), 714, 2020
Whole blood transcriptome analysis reveals positive effects of dried olive pomace-supplemented diet on inflammation and cholesterol in laying hens
M Iannaccone, A Ianni, S Ramazzotti, L Grotta, E Marone, A Cichelli, ...
Animals 9 (7), 427, 2019
Sometimes a little mango goes a long way: A rapid approach to assess how different shipping systems affect fruit commercial quality
C Taiti, E Marone, N Bazihizina, S Caparrotta, E Azzarello, AW Petrucci, ...
Food analytical methods 9, 691-698, 2016
AI-based hyperspectral and VOCs assessment approach to identify adulterated extra virgin olive oil
S Violino, C Benincasa, C Taiti, L Ortenzi, F Pallottino, E Marone, ...
European Food Research and Technology 247 (4), 1013-1022, 2021
Tuberomics: a molecular profiling for the adaption of edible fungi (Tuber magnatum Pico) to different natural environments
F Vita, B Giuntoli, E Bertolini, C Taiti, E Marone, C D’Ambrosio, E Trovato, ...
BMC genomics 21, 1-25, 2020
Mechanical harvesting, productivity and superintensive planting systems in olive groves
P Fiorino, E Marone, A Ottanelli
Adv. Hort. Sci 24 (1), 91-94, 2010
The effect of harvesting time on olive fruits and oils quality parameters of Tortiglione and Dritta olive cultivars
F Flamminii, E Marone, L Neri, L Pollastri, A Cichelli, CD Di Mattia
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 123 (11), 2000382, 2021
The olive oil dilemma: To be or not to be EVOO? chemometric analysis to grade virgin olive oils using 792 fingerprints from PTR-ToF-MS
C Taiti, E Marone, P Fiorino, S Mancuso
Food Control 135, 108817, 2022
EVOO or not EVOO? A new precise and simple analytical tool to discriminate virgin olive oils
C Taiti, E Marone
Adv. Hort. Sci 31 (4), 329-337, 2017
A new device to improve the mechanical winter pruning in olive trees hedgerows
A Ottanelli, E Marone, P Fiorino
Advances in Horticultural Science 33 (1), 113-122, 2019
Il germoplasma olivicolo: un patrimonio da valorizzare
P Fiorino, N Lombardo, E Marone
Italus Hortus 12, 7-18, 2005
Il germoplasma olivicolo lucano
A Rotundo, E Marone
Olita, 2002
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20