J. C. Palmstrom
J. C. Palmstrom
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Pulsed Field Facility
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Ubiquitous signatures of nematic quantum criticality in optimally doped Fe-based superconductors
HH Kuo, JH Chu, JC Palmstrom, SA Kivelson, IR Fisher
Science 352 (6288), 958-962, 2016
Scanning SQUID susceptometers with sub-micron spatial resolution
JR Kirtley, L Paulius, AJ Rosenberg, JC Palmstrom, CM Holland, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (9), 2016
Momentum dependence of the nematic order parameter in iron-based superconductors
H Pfau, SD Chen, M Yi, M Hashimoto, CR Rotundu, JC Palmstrom, ...
Physical review letters 123 (6), 066402, 2019
Symmetric and antisymmetric strain as continuous tuning parameters for electronic nematic order
MS Ikeda, T Worasaran, JC Palmstrom, JAW Straquadine, P Walmsley, ...
Physical Review B 98 (24), 245133, 2018
Evidence for a delocalization quantum phase transition without symmetry breaking in CeCoIn5
N Maksimovic, DH Eilbott, T Cookmeyer, F Wan, J Rusz, V Nagarajan, ...
Science 375 (6576), 76-81, 2022
Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl3 at high magnetic fields
KA Modic, RD McDonald, JPC Ruff, MD Bachmann, Y Lai, JC Palmstrom, ...
Nature Physics 17 (2), 240-244, 2021
Detailed band structure of twinned and detwinned studied with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
H Pfau, CR Rotundu, JC Palmstrom, SD Chen, M Hashimoto, D Lu, ...
Physical Review B 99 (3), 035118, 2019
Nematic quantum criticality in an Fe-based superconductor revealed by strain-tuning
T Worasaran, MS Ikeda, JC Palmstrom, JAW Straquadine, SA Kivelson, ...
Science 372 (6545), 973-977, 2021
AC elastocaloric effect as a probe for thermodynamic signatures of continuous phase transitions
MS Ikeda, JAW Straquadine, AT Hristov, T Worasaran, JC Palmstrom, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (8), 2019
Measurement of the B1g and B2g components of the elastoresistivity tensor for tetragonal materials via transverse resistivity configurations
MC Shapiro, AT Hristov, JC Palmstrom, JH Chu, IR Fisher
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (6), 2016
Elastocaloric signature of nematic fluctuations
MS Ikeda, T Worasaran, EW Rosenberg, JC Palmstrom, SA Kivelson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37), e2105911118, 2021
Critical divergence of the symmetric () nonlinear elastoresistance near the nematic transition in an iron-based superconductor
JC Palmstrom, AT Hristov, SA Kivelson, JH Chu, IR Fisher
Physical Review B 96 (20), 205133, 2017
Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of superconducting niobium nitride
MJ Sowa, Y Yemane, J Zhang, JC Palmstrom, L Ju, NC Strandwitz, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 35 (1), 2017
Three-dimensional flat bands in pyrochlore metal CaNi2
JP Wakefield, M Kang, PM Neves, D Oh, S Fang, R McTigue, ...
Nature 623 (7986), 301-306, 2023
Nematic transitions in iron pnictide superconductors imaged with a quantum gas
F Yang, SF Taylor, SD Edkins, JC Palmstrom, IR Fisher, BL Lev
Nature Physics 16 (5), 514-519, 2020
Measurement of elastoresistivity at finite frequency by amplitude demodulation
AT Hristov, JC Palmstrom, JAW Straquadine, TA Merz, HY Hwang, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (10), 2018
Imaging anisotropic vortex dynamics in FeSe
IP Zhang, JC Palmstrom, H Noad, L Bishop-Van Horn, Y Iguchi, Z Cui, ...
Physical Review B 100 (2), 024514, 2019
The response of small SQUID pickup loops to magnetic fields
JR Kirtley, L Paulius, AJ Rosenberg, JC Palmstrom, D Schiessl, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 29 (12), 124001, 2016
Growth of nematic susceptibility in the field-induced normal state of an iron-based superconductor revealed by elastoresistivity measurements in a 65 T pulsed magnet
JAW Straquadine, JC Palmstrom, P Walmsley, AT Hristov, F Weickert, ...
Physical Review B 100 (12), 125147, 2019
Comparison of temperature and doping dependence of elastoresistivity near a putative nematic quantum critical point
JC Palmstrom, P Walmsley, JAW Straquadine, ME Sorensen, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1011, 2022
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