Marta Felcini, Physicist
Marta Felcini, Physicist
University College Dublin, CERN
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Cited by
Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 716 (1), 30-61, 2012
The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC
Cms Collaboration
Journal of instrumentation 3 (August 2008), 1-334, 2008
CMS physics technical design report, volume II: physics performance
CMS collaboration
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 (6), 995, 2007
Event generator tunes obtained from underlying event and multiparton scattering measurements
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-52, 2016
Particle-flow reconstruction and global event description with the CMS detector
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (10), P10003, 2017
The CMS trigger system
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02366, 2016
LEP Working Group for Higgs boson searches
R Barate, ALEPH collaboration, DELPHI Collaboration, L3 Collaboration, ...
Phys. Lett. B 565, 61, 2003
Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in Collisions at and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments
CMS Collaborations
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.07589, 2015
Determination of jet energy calibration and transverse momentum resolution in CMS
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 6 (11), P11002, 2011
Measurement of the Inclusive Upsilon production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 7 TeV
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.5545, 2010
Study of high-p T charged particle suppression in PbPb compared to pp collisions at
CMS Collaboration cms-publication-committee@ cern. ch, S Chatrchyan, ...
The European Physical Journal C 72, 1-22, 2012
Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at TeV
AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 (7), 1-33, 2018
Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV
CMS collaboration
European Physical Journal C 75 (5), 212, 2015
Jet energy scale and resolution in the CMS experiment in pp collisions at 8 TeV
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.03663, 2016
Description and performance of track and primary-vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (10), P10009, 2014
Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (5), P05011, 2018
Transverse-Momentum and Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Hadrons <?format ?>in Collisions at
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (2), 022002, 2010
Search for narrow resonances in dilepton mass spectra in proton–proton collisions at s= 13TeV and combination with 8 TeV data
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
Physics Letters B 768, 57-80, 2017
Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (9), 1-38, 2010
Measurements of properties of the Higgs boson decaying into the four-lepton final state in pp collisions at TeV
AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (11), 1-55, 2017
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