Alessandro Gianola
Alessandro Gianola
INESC-ID/Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Formal modeling and SMT-based parameterized verification of data-aware BPMN
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
International Conference on Business Process Management, 157-175, 2019
Petri nets with parameterised data: Modelling and verification
S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Business Process Management: 18th International Conference, BPM 2020 …, 2020
Petri net-based object-centric processes with read-only data
S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Information Systems 107, 102011, 2022
CoCoMoT: conformance checking of multi-perspective processes via SMT
P Felli, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin, S Winkler
Business Process Management: 19th International Conference, BPM 2021, Rome …, 2021
SMT-based verification of data-aware processes: a model-theoretic approach
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 30 (3), 271-313, 2020
From model completeness to verification of data aware processes
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That: Essays Dedicated to …, 2019
Model completeness, covers and superposition
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Automated Deduction–CADE 27: 27th International Conference on Automated …, 2019
Linear Temporal Logic Modulo Theories over Finite Traces.
L Geatti, A Gianola, N Gigante
IJCAI 22, 2641-2647, 2022
Combined covers and Beth definability
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 181-200, 2020
Modularity results for interpolation, amalgamation and superamalgamation
S Ghilardi, A Gianola
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (8), 731-754, 2018
Model Completeness, Uniform Interpolants and Superposition Calculus: (With Applications to Verification of Data-Aware Processes)
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Journal of Automated Reasoning 65 (7), 941-969, 2021
Delta-BPMN: A concrete language and verifier for data-aware BPMN
S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
International Conference on Business Process Management, 179-196, 2021
A canonical algebra of open transition systems
E Di Lavore, A Gianola, M Román, N Sabadini, P Sobociński
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 17th International Conference, FACS …, 2021
Interpolation, amalgamation and combination (the non-disjoint signatures case)
S Ghilardi, A Gianola
International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 316-332, 2017
Combination of Uniform Interpolants via Beth Definability
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
Conformance checking with uncertainty via SMT
P Felli, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin, S Winkler
International Conference on Business Process Management, 199-216, 2022
Verification of data-aware processes via array-based systems (extended version)
D Calvanese, S Ghilardi, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.11459, 2018
Cospan/Span (Graph): an algebra for open, reconfigurable automata networks
A Gianola, S Kasangian, N Sabadini
7th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO 2017), 2017
Verification of Data-Aware Processes via Satisfiability Modulo Theories
A Gianola
Springer, 2023
Data-aware conformance checking with SMT
P Felli, A Gianola, M Montali, A Rivkin, S Winkler
Information Systems 117, 102230, 2023
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Articles 1–20