Matthew R. Suchomel
Matthew R. Suchomel
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Monoclinic crystal structure of polycrystalline Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
E Aksel, JS Forrester, JL Jones, PA Thomas, K Page, MR Suchomel
Applied Physics Letters 98 (15), 152901, 2011
Enhanced tetragonality in (x) PbTiO 3-(1-x) Bi (Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2) O 3 and related solid solution systems
MR Suchomel, PK Davies
Applied Physics Letters 86 (26), 262905-262905-3, 2005
Bi2ZnTiO6: A lead-free closed-shell polar perovskite with a calculated ionic polarization of 150 μC cm-2
MR Suchomel, AM Fogg, M Allix, H Niu, JB Claridge, MJ Rosseinsky
Chemistry of materials 18 (21), 4987-4989, 2006
Predicting morphotropic phase boundary locations and transition temperatures in Pb-and Bi-based perovskite solid solutions from crystal chemical data and first-principles …
I Grinberg, MR Suchomel, PK Davies, AM Rappe
Journal of applied physics 98 (9), 094111-094111-10, 2005
Predicting the position of the morphotropic phase boundary in high temperature PbTiO 3-Bi (B′ B ″) O 3 based dielectric ceramics
MR Suchomel, PK Davies
Journal of applied physics 96 (8), 4405-4410, 2004
Structure and Polarization in the High Ferroelectric Solid Solutions
I Grinberg, MR Suchomel, W Dmowski, SE Mason, H Wu, PK Davies, ...
Physical review letters 98 (10), 107601, 2007
Structure and Polarization in the High T c Ferroelectric Bi (Zn, Ti) O 3-PbTiO 3 Solid Solutions
I Grinberg, MR Suchomel, W Dmowski, SE Mason, H Wu, PK Davies, ...
Physical review letters 98 (10), 107601, 2007
High pressure bulk synthesis and characterization of the predicted multiferroic Bi (Fe 1/2 Cr 1/2) O 3
MR Suchomel, CI Thomas, M Allix, MJ Rosseinsky, AM Fogg, MF Thomas
Applied physics letters 90 (11), 112909-112909-3, 2007
Spin-induced symmetry breaking in orbitally ordered NiCr 2 O 4 and CuCr 2 O 4
MR Suchomel, DP Shoemaker, L Ribaud, MC Kemei, R Seshadri
Physical Review B 86 (5), 054406, 2012
Highly Transparent BaAl4O7 Polycrystalline Ceramic Obtained by Full Crystallization from Glass
M Allix, S Alahrache, F Fayon, M Suchomel, F Porcher, T Cardinal, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (41), 5570-5575, 2012
Potential and impedance imaging of polycrystalline BiFeO3 ceramics
SV Kalinin, MR Suchomel, PK Davies, DA Bonnell
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 85 (12), 3011-3017, 2002
Ferromagnetic quantum critical point induced by dimer-breaking in SrCo2 (Ge1-xPx) 2
S Jia, P Jiramongkolchai, MR Suchomel, BH Toby, JG Checkelsky, ...
Nature Physics 7 (3), 207-210, 2011
Crystal structure of atomoxetine hydrochloride (Strattera), C 17 H 22 NOCl
JA Kaduk, CE Crowder, K Zhong, TG Fawcett, MR Suchomel
Powder Diffraction 29 (03), 269-273, 2014
Effect of Cooling Rates on Phase Separation in 0.5 Li2MnO3· 0.5 LiCoO2 Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
BR Long, JR Croy, F Dogan, MR Suchomel, B Key, J Wen, DJ Miller, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (11), 3565-3572, 2014
Molecular arrangement in water: random but not quite
V Petkov, Y Ren, M Suchomel
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (15), 155102, 2012
Enhanced tetragonality in (x) Pb Ti O 3–(1− x) Bi (B′ B ″) O 3 systems: Bi (Zn 3∕ 4 W 1∕ 4) O 3
DM Stein, MR Suchomel, PK Davies
Applied physics letters 89 (13), 132907, 2006
Transparency through structural disorder: a new concept for innovative transparent ceramics
K Al Saghir, S Chenu, E Veron, F Fayon, MR Suchomel, C Genevois, ...
Chemistry of Materials, 2014
Structural, magnetic, and superconducting properties of Ba 1− x Na x Fe 2 As 2
S Avci, JM Allred, O Chmaissem, DY Chung, S Rosenkranz, JA Schlueter, ...
Physical Review B 88 (9), 094510, 2013
Phase Separation and Suppression of the Structural and Magnetic Transitions in Superconducting Doped Iron Tellurides, Fe1+ x Te1− y S y
P Zajdel, PY Hsieh, EE Rodriguez, NP Butch, JD Magill, J Paglione, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (37), 13000-13007, 2010
Synchrotron X-ray studies of metal-organic framework M2(2,5-dihydroxyterephthalate), M = (Mn, Co, Ni, Zn) (MOF74)
W Wong-Ng, JA Kaduk, H Wu, M Suchomel
Powder Diffraction 27 (4), 256-262, 2012
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Articles 1–20