Ruth Madigan
Ruth Madigan
Research Fellow, University of Leeds
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What influences the decision to use automated public transport? Using UTAUT to understand public acceptance of automated road transport systems
R Madigan, T Louw, M Wilbrink, A Schieben, N Merat
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 50, 55-64, 2017
Acceptance of automated road transport systems (ARTS): an adaptation of the UTAUT model
R Madigan, T Louw, M Dziennus, T Graindorge, E Ortega, M Graindorge, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 2217-2226, 2016
User acceptance of automated shuttles in Berlin-Schöneberg: A questionnaire study
S Nordhoff, J de Winter, R Madigan, N Merat, B van Arem, R Happee
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 58, 843-854, 2018
Designing the interaction of automated vehicles with other traffic participants: design considerations based on human needs and expectations
A Schieben, M Wilbrink, C Kettwich, R Madigan, T Louw, N Merat
Cognition, Technology & Work 21, 69-85, 2019
What externally presented information do VRUs require when interacting with fully Automated Road Transport Systems in shared space?
N Merat, T Louw, R Madigan, M Wilbrink, A Schieben
Accident Analysis & Prevention 118, 244-252, 2018
Defining interactions: A conceptual framework for understanding interactive behaviour in human and automated road traffic
G Markkula, R Madigan, D Nathanael, E Portouli, YM Lee, A Dietrich, ...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21 (6), 728-752, 2020
Road users rarely use explicit communication when interacting in today’s traffic: implications for automated vehicles
YM Lee, R Madigan, O Giles, L Garach-Morcillo, G Markkula, C Fox, ...
Cognition, Technology & Work 23, 367-380, 2021
Application of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to UK rail safety of the line incidents
R Madigan, D Golightly, R Madders
Accident Analysis & Prevention 97, 122-131, 2016
Coming back into the loop: Drivers’ perceptual-motor performance in critical events after automated driving
T Louw, G Markkula, E Boer, R Madigan, O Carsten, N Merat
Accident Analysis & Prevention 108, 9-18, 2017
Human factors, user requirements, and user acceptance of ride-sharing in automated vehicles
N Merat, R Madigan, S Nordhoff
OECD, 2017
Were they in the loop during automated driving? Links between visual attention and crash potential
T Louw, R Madigan, O Carsten, N Merat
Injury prevention 23 (4), 281-286, 2017
Understanding interactions between Automated Road Transport Systems and other road users: A video analysis
R Madigan, S Nordhoff, C Fox, RE Amini, T Louw, M Wilbrink, A Schieben, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 196-213, 2019
Learning to interpret novel eHMI: The effect of vehicle kinematics and eHMI familiarity on pedestrian’crossing behavior
YM Lee, R Madigan, C Uzondu, J Garcia, R Romano, G Markkula, ...
Journal of safety research 80, 270-280, 2022
External human–machine interfaces can be misleading: An examination of trust development and misuse in a CAVE-based pedestrian simulation environment
AA Kaleefathullah, N Merat, YM Lee, YB Eisma, R Madigan, J Garcia, ...
Human factors 64 (6), 1070-1085, 2022
Drivers display anger‐congruent attention to potential traffic hazards
AN Stephens, SL Trawley, R Madigan, JA Groeger
Applied cognitive psychology 27 (2), 178-189, 2013
When should the chicken cross the road
C Fox, F Camara, G Markkula, R Romano, R Madigan, N Merat
Game theory for autonomous vehicle-human interactions, 2018
User acceptance of driverless shuttles running in an open and mixed traffic environment
S Nordhoff, B Van Arem, N Merat, R Madigan, L Ruhrort, A Knie, ...
12th ITS European Congress, 19-22, 2017
Models of human decision-making as tools for estimating and optimizing impacts of vehicle automation
G Markkula, R Romano, R Madigan, CW Fox, OT Giles, N Merat
Transportation research record 2672 (37), 153-163, 2018
Understanding the messages conveyed by automated vehicles
YM Lee, R Madigan, J Garcia, A Tomlinson, A Solernou, R Romano, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on automotive user …, 2019
Empirical game theory of pedestrian interaction for autonomous vehicles
F Camara, R Romano, G Markkula, R Madigan, N Merat, C Fox
Proceedings of measuring behavior 2018, 238-244, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20