Vasilis Kontonis
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Cited by
Algorithms and sq lower bounds for pac learning one-hidden-layer relu networks
I Diakonikolas, DM Kane, V Kontonis, N Zarifis
Conference on Learning Theory, 1514-1539, 2020
Learning halfspaces with massart noise under structured distributions
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Conference on learning theory, 1486-1513, 2020
Efficient truncated statistics with unknown truncation
V Kontonis, C Tzamos, M Zampetakis
2019 ieee 60th annual symposium on foundations of computer science (focs …, 2019
Learning online algorithms with distributional advice
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, A Vakilian, N Zarifis
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2687-2696, 2021
Non-convex sgd learns halfspaces with adversarial label noise
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 18540-18549, 2020
Efficiently learning halfspaces with tsybakov noise
I Diakonikolas, DM Kane, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2021
Learning general halfspaces with general massart noise under the gaussian distribution
I Diakonikolas, DM Kane, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2022
Efficient algorithms for learning from coarse labels
D Fotakis, A Kalavasis, V Kontonis, C Tzamos
Conference on Learning Theory, 2060-2079, 2021
Learning a single neuron with adversarial label noise via gradient descent
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Conference on Learning Theory, 4313-4361, 2022
Opinion dynamics with limited information
D Fotakis, V Kandiros, V Kontonis, S Skoulakis
International Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 282-296, 2018
Agnostic proper learning of halfspaces under gaussian marginals
I Diakonikolas, DM Kane, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Conference on Learning Theory, 1522-1551, 2021
Learning halfspaces with tsybakov noise
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2020
Learning general halfspaces with adversarial label noise via online gradient descent
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5118-5141, 2022
Efficient testable learning of halfspaces with adversarial label noise
I Diakonikolas, D Kane, V Kontonis, S Liu, N Zarifis
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
A statistical taylor theorem and extrapolation of truncated densities
C Daskalakis, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, E Zampetakis
Conference on learning theory, 1395-1398, 2021
Learning general gaussian mixtures with efficient score matching
S Chen, V Kontonis, K Shah
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.18893, 2024
Weighted Distillation with Unlabeled Examples
F Iliopoulos, V Kontonis, C Baykal, G Menghani, K Trinh, E Vee
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems., 2022
Optimizing solution-samplers for combinatorial problems: The landscape of policy-gradient method
C Caramanis, D Fotakis, A Kalavasis, V Kontonis, C Tzamos
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 14035-14069, 2023
Self-directed linear classification
I Diakonikolas, V Kontonis, C Tzamos, N Zarifis
The Thirty Sixth Annual Conference on Learning Theory, 2919-2947, 2023
SLaM: Student-Label Mixing for Distillation with Unlabeled Examples
V Kontonis, F Iliopoulos, K Trinh, C Baykal, G Menghani, E Vee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03806, 2023
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Articles 1–20