Semion Saikin
Semion Saikin
Kebotix, Inc.
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Accelerating the discovery of materials for clean energy in the era of smart automation
DP Tabor, LM Roch, SK Saikin, C Kreisbeck, D Sheberla, JH Montoya, ...
Nature reviews materials 3 (5), 5-20, 2018
Photonics meets excitonics: natural and artificial molecular aggregates
SK Saikin, A Eisfeld, S Valleau, A Aspuru-Guzik
Nanophotonics 2 (1), 21-38, 2013
Autonomous experimentation systems for materials development: A community perspective
E Stach, B DeCost, AG Kusne, J Hattrick-Simpers, KA Brown, KG Reyes, ...
Matter 4 (9), 2702-2726, 2021
Strong coupling between chlorosomes of photosynthetic bacteria and a confined optical cavity mode
DM Coles, Y Yang, Y Wang, RT Grant, RA Taylor, SK Saikin, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5561, 2014
Separation of electromagnetic and chemical contributions to surface-enhanced Raman spectra on nanoengineered plasmonic substrates
SK Saikin, Y Chu, D Rappoport, KB Crozier, A Aspuru-Guzik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (18), 2740-2746, 2010
On the chemical bonding effects in the Raman response: Benzenethiol adsorbed on silver clusters
SK Saikin, R Olivares-Amaya, D Rappoport, M Stopa, A Aspuru-Guzik
Physical chemistry chemical physics 11 (41), 9401-9411, 2009
The nucleus of endothelial cell as a sensor of blood flow direction
E Tkachenko, E Gutierrez, SK Saikin, P Fogelstrand, C Kim, A Groisman, ...
Biology open 2 (10), 1007-1012, 2013
Experimental and theoretical study of the crystal-field levels and hyperfine and electron-phonon interactions in LiYF 4: Er 3+
MN Popova, EP Chukalina, BZ Malkin, SK Saikin
Physical Review B 61 (11), 7421, 2000
Materials Acceleration Platform: Accelerating Advanced Energy Materials Discovery by Integrating High-Throughput Methods with Artificial Intelligence.
A Aspuru-Guzik, K Persson, A Alexander-Katz, C Amador, D Solis-Ibarra, ... …, 2018
Fast initialization of the spin state of an electron in a quantum dot in the Voigt configuration
C Emary, X Xu, DG Steel, S Saikin, LJ Sham
Physical review letters 98 (4), 047401, 2007
Atomistic study of energy funneling in the light-harvesting complex of green sulfur bacteria
J Huh, SK Saikin, JC Brookes, S Valleau, T Fujita, A Aspuru-Guzik
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (5), 2048-2057, 2014
Autonomous molecular design: then and now
T Dimitrov, C Kreisbeck, JS Becker, A Aspuru-Guzik, SK Saikin
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (28), 24825-24836, 2019
Single-electron spin decoherence by nuclear spin bath: Linked-cluster expansion approach
SK Saikin, W Yao, LJ Sham
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (12), 125314, 2007
Exciton transport in thin-film cyanine dye J-aggregates
S Valleau, SK Saikin, MH Yung, AA Guzik
The journal of chemical physics 137 (3), 2012
Memory-assisted exciton diffusion in the chlorosome light-harvesting antenna of green sulfur bacteria
T Fujita, JC Brookes, SK Saikin, A Aspuru-Guzik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (17), 2357-2361, 2012
Plexciton Dirac points and topological modes
J Yuen-Zhou, SK Saikin, T Zhu, MC Onbasli, CA Ross, V Bulovic, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11783, 2016
Semiclassical Monte Carlo model for in-plane transport of spin-polarized electrons in III–V heterostructures
S Saikin, M Shen, MC Cheng, V Privman
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (3), 1769-1775, 2003
Compressed sensing for multidimensional spectroscopy experiments
JN Sanders, SK Saikin, S Mostame, X Andrade, JR Widom, AH Marcus, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (18), 2697-2702, 2012
Blood flow-induced Notch activation and endothelial migration enable vascular remodeling in zebrafish embryos
B Weijts, E Gutierrez, SK Saikin, AJ Ablooglu, D Traver, A Groisman, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 5314, 2018
Topologically protected excitons in porphyrin thin films
J Yuen-Zhou, SK Saikin, NY Yao, A Aspuru-Guzik
Nature materials 13 (11), 1026-1032, 2014
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