Carolina Pinart
Carolina Pinart
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Challenges and requirements for introducing impairment-awareness into the management and control planes of ASON/GMPLS WDM networks
R Martínez, C Pinart, F Cugini, N Andriolli, L Valcarenghi, P Castoldi, ...
IEEE communications magazine 44 (12), 76-85, 2006
DRIVE: a reconfigurable testbed for advanced vehicular services and communications.
C Pinart, P Sanz, I Lequerica, D García, I Barona, D Sánchez-Aparisi
TridentCom, 16, 2008
The ADRENALINE testbed: integrating GMPLS, XML, and SNMP in transparent DWDM networks
R Muñoz, C Pinart, R Martínez, J Sorribes, G Junyent, M Maier, A Amrani
IEEE Communications Magazine 43 (8), S40-S48, 2005
Experimental demonstration of the viability of IEEE 802.11 b based inter-vehicle communications
V González, A Los Santos, C Pinart, F Milagro
4th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures …, 2010
VANBA: a simple handover mechanism for transparent, always-on V2V communications
JA Olivera, I Cortázar, C Pinart, A Los Santos, I Lequerica
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
On managing optical services in future control-plane-enabled IP/WDM networks
C Pinart, GJ Giralt
Journal of Lightwave Technology 23 (10), 2868, 2005
ECall-compliant early crash notification service for portable and nomadic devices
C Pinart, JC Calvo, L Nicholson, JA Villaverde
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
Probe-based schemes to guarantee lightpath quality of transmission (QoT) in transparent optical networks
N Sambo, F Cugini, I Cerutti, L Valcarenghi, P Castoldi, J Poirrier, ...
2008 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-2, 2008
On implementing a management plane for service provisioning in IP over reconfigurable WDM networks
C Pinart, G Junyent
Proc. ONDM 2004, 465-480, 2004
An experimental ASON based on OADM rings and a GMPLS control plane
R Muñoz, C Pinart, R Martínez, A Junyent, G Junyent
Fiber and integrated optics 23 (2-3), 67-84, 2004
Alternatives for In-Service BER Estimation in All-Optical Networks: Towards Minimum Intrusion.
C Pinart
J. Comput. 2 (3), 55-62, 2007
Probe schemes for quality-of-transmission-aware wavelength provisioning
C Pinart, N Sambo, E Rouzic, F Cugini, P Castoldi
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 3 (1), 87-94, 2010
Signaling and multi-layer probe-based schemes for guaranteeing QoT in GMPLS transparent networks
N Sambo, C Pinart, E Le Rouzic, F Cugini, L Valcarenghi, P Castoldi
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OWI5, 2009
User-centric analysis of perceived QoS in 4G IP mobile/wireless networks
F Bader, C Pinart, C Christophi, E Tsiakkouri, I Ganchev, V Friderikos, ...
14th IEEE Proceedings on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications …, 2003
A multilayer fault localization framework for IP over all-optical multilayer networks
C Pinart
IEEE Network 23 (3), 4-9, 2009
Experimental GMPLS fault management for OULSR transport networks
R Muñoz, C Pinart, R Martínez, M Requena, A Amrani, J Sorribes, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, JWA50, 2005
Physical-layer considerations for the realistic deployment of impairment-aware connection provisioning
C Pinart, E Le Rouzic, I Martinez
2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 3, 134-137, 2007
On using optical-layer link information parameters in distributed impairment constraint-based routing
C Pinart, H Harai
National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, JWA75, 2007
Experimental implementation of dynamic in-service performance monitoring for lambda services
C Pinart, R Martínez, G Junyent
2005 31st European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2005 4, 969-970, 2005
Monitoring Service “Health” in Intelligent, Transparent Optical Networks
C Pinart, A Amrani, G Junyent
Optical Networks and Technologies: IFIP TC6/WG6. 10 First Optical Networks …, 2005
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