Lavinia Cicero, Psicologa Phd in Psicologia Sociale
Lavinia Cicero, Psicologa Phd in Psicologia Sociale
Dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia Sociale, già Professore di Psicologia del lavoro e Organizzazioni
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Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating role of need for cognitive closure
A Pierro, L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, D van Knippenberg, AW Kruglanski
The Leadership Quarterly 16 (4), 503-516, 2005
Leadership and uncertainty: How role ambiguity affects the relationship between leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness
L Cicero, A Pierro, D Van Knippenberg
British Journal of Management 21 (2), 411-421, 2010
Charismatic leadership and organizational outcomes: The mediating role of employees' work‐group identification
L Cicero, A Pierro
International Journal of Psychology 42 (5), 297-306, 2007
Leader group prototypicality and job satisfaction: The moderating role of job stress and team identification.
L Cicero, A Pierro, D van Knippenberg
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 11 (3), 165, 2007
Motivated compliance with bases of social power
A Pierro, L Cicero, BH Raven
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (7), 1921-1944, 2008
What makes you a ‘hero’for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries
M Scopelliti, E Molinario, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, S De Dominicis, ...
Journal of environmental planning and management 61 (5-6), 970-993, 2018
The extended Value-Belief-Norm theory predicts committed action for nature and biodiversity in Europe
F Fornara, E Molinario, M Scopelliti, M Bonnes, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 81, 106338, 2020
Combining internal and external motivations in multi-actor governance arrangements for biodiversity and ecosystem services
T Dedeurwaerdere, J Admiraal, A Beringer, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 58, 1-10, 2016
Motivations to act for the protection of nature biodiversity and the environment: A matter of “Significance”
E Molinario, AW Kruglanski, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, F Fornara, ...
Environment and Behavior 52 (10), 1133-1163, 2020
Motivations for committed nature conservation action in Europe
JF Admiraal, RJG Van den Born, A Beringer, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Conservation 44 (2), 148-157, 2017
Employees’ work effort as a function of leader group prototypicality: the moderating role of team identification
L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, A Pierro, D Van Knippenberg
European review of applied psychology 58 (2), 117-124, 2008
Followers’ satisfaction from working with group-prototypic leaders: Promotion focus as moderator
A Pierro, L Cicero, ET Higgins
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (5), 1105-1110, 2009
Leader group prototypicality and resistance to organizational change: The moderating role of need for closure and team identification
A Pierro, L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, D van Knippenberg, AW Kruglanski
TPM-Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology 14 (1), 27-40, 2007
Reputation and emotion: How the mind drives our food preferences and choices
UG Cancellieri, I Petruccelli, L Cicero, A Milani, F Bonaiuto, M Bonaiuto
Food Quality and Preference 101, 104637, 2022
Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating role of role ambiguity
L Cicero, A Pierro, D van Knippenberg
British Journal of Management 21, 411-421, 2010
Can Food Safety Practices and Knowledge of Raw Fish Promote Perception of Infection Risk and Safe Consumption Behavior Intentions Related to the Zoonotic Parasite Anisakis?
U Ganucci Cancellieri, G Amicone, L Cicero, A Milani, O Mosca, ...
Sustainability 15 (9), 7383, 2023
La leadership nella prospettiva della teoria dell'identità sociale: un contributo empirico.
L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, A Pierro, V Knippenberg
Potere e leadership. teorie, Metodi e Applicazioni, 181-199, 2004
L'applicazione della teoria dell'identità sociale e della categorizzazione del sé alle problematiche organizzative: leadership e relazioni intergruppo
L Cicero
EUR, Edizioni Universitare Romane, 2004
L’interazione mediata dai nuovi media: riscrivere i legami fra le persone con il linguaggio della psicologia sociale
E De Gregorio, L Cicero
Quaderni di comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0, 75-80, 2022
Knowledge, attitudes and food safety practices of raw fish consumers: how to understand their risk perception and future behavior intentions to promote their health preventing …
A Milani, G Amicone, UG Cancellieri, L Cicero, S Mattiucci
Book of Abstract. 30º Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia …, 2022
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