Ismael Diaz
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Communication technology: Pros and cons of constant connection to work
I Diaz, DS Chiaburu, RD Zimmerman, WR Boswell
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (2), 500-508, 2012
Employee alienation: relationships with careerism and career satisfaction
DS Chiaburu, I Diaz, A De Vos
Journal of Managerial Psychology 28 (1), 4-20, 2013
Does psychological contract breach decrease proactive behaviors? The moderating effect of emotion regulation
PM Bal, DS Chiaburu, I Diaz
Group & Organization Management 36 (6), 722-758, 2011
Job insecurity and job satisfaction: The interactively moderating effects of optimism and person-supervisor deep-level similarity
X Zheng, I Diaz, N Tang, K Tang
Career Development International 19 (4), 426-446, 2014
Is too much inclusive leadership a good thing? An examination of curvilinear relationship between inclusive leadership and employees’ task performance
Z Xiaotao, X Yang, I Diaz, M Yu
International Journal of Manpower 39 (7), 882-895, 2018
A workplace incivility roadmap: Identifying theoretical speedbumps and alternative routes for future research.
KN Miner, I Diaz, RL Wooderson, JN McDonald, AL Smittick, LC Lomeli
Journal of occupational health psychology 23 (3), 320, 2018
Understanding childcare satisfaction and its effect on workplace outcomes: The convenience factor and the mediating role of work‐family conflict
SC Payne, AL Cook, I Diaz
Journal of occupational and organizational Psychology 85 (2), 225-244, 2012
Positive and negative supervisor developmental feedback and task-performance
X Zheng, I Diaz, Y Jing, DS Chiaburu
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 36 (2), 212-232, 2015
Social and economic exchanges with the organization: do leader behaviors matter?
DS Chiaburu, I Diaz, VE Pitts
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (5), 442-461, 2011
From deep-level similarity to taking charge: The moderating role of face consciousness and managerial competency of inclusion
X Zheng, I Diaz, X Zheng, N Tang
Leadership & organization development journal 38 (1), 89-104, 2017
Incivility, psychological distress, and math self-concept among women and students of color in STEM
KN Miner, I Diaz, AN Rinn
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 23 (3), 2017
It's not us, it's you: Why isn't research on minority workers appearing in our “top-tier” journals?
I Diaz, ME Bergman
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 6 (1), 70-75, 2013
Does subordinate moqi affect leadership empowerment?
L Li, X Zheng, S Sun, I Diaz
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 41 (8), 1015-1034, 2020
Blindsided by linearity? Curvilinear effect of leader behaviors
I Cho, I Diaz, DS Chiaburu
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 38 (2), 146-163, 2017
An Exploration of Supervisor Mistreatment and Respect
I Diaz
Supervisor Incivility and Subordinate Outcomes: The Roles of Negative and Positive Affect
I Diaz, RJ Thompson, ME Bergman, AD Pesonen
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 16704, 2012
Individual Reactions to Failure in Virtual Teams
I Diaz
Texas A & M University, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–17