Johannes Sorger
Johannes Sorger
Complexity Science Hub Vienna, postdoctoral researcher
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Cited by
A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19
A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 285, 2020
Vis-A-Ware: Integrating spatial and non-spatial visualization for visibility-aware urban planning
T Ortner, J Sorger, H Steinlechner, G Hesina, H Piringer, E Gröller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 23 (2), 1139-1151, 2016
neuroMAP - Interactive Graph-Visualization of the Fruit Fly's Neural Circuit
J Sorger, K Bühler, F Schulze, T Liu, B Dickson
Biological Data Visualization (BioVis), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, 73-80, 2013
LiteVis: Integrated Visualization for Simulation-Based Decision Support in Lighting Design
J Sorger, T Ortner, C Luksch, M Schwärzler, E Gröller, H Piringer
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 22 (1), 290 - 299, 2016
When does a disaster become a systemic event? Estimating indirect economic losses from natural disasters
S Poledna, S Hochrainer-Stigler, MG Miess, P Klimek, S Schmelzer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09740, 2018
Assessing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 prevention measures in Austrian schools using agent-based simulations and cluster tracing data
J Lasser, J Sorger, L Richter, S Thurner, D Schmid, P Klimek
Nature communications 13 (1), 554, 2022
Immersive Analytics of Large Dynamic Networks via Overview and Detail Navigation
J Sorger, M Waldner, W Knecht, A Arleo
2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
Quantification of the resilience of primary care networks by stress testing the health care system
DR Lo Sardo, S Thurner, J Sorger, G Duftschmid, G Endel, P Klimek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (48), 23930-23935, 2019
Multiscale visualization and scale-adaptive modification of DNA nanostructures
H Miao, E De Llano, J Sorger, Y Ahmadi, T Kekic, T Isenberg, ME Gröller, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 1014-1024, 2017
SARS-ANI: a global open access dataset of reported SARS-CoV-2 events in animals
A Nerpel, L Yang, J Sorger, A Käsbohrer, C Walzer, A Desvars-Larrive
Scientific Data 9 (1), 438, 2022
Visualization multi-pipeline for communicating biology
P Mindek, D Kouřil, J Sorger, D Toloudis, B Lyons, G Johnson, ME Gröller, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 24 (1), 883-892, 2017
Complexity, transparency and time pressure: practical insights into science communication in times of crisis
J Sorger, S Thurner, M Sprenger, T Reisch, H Metzler, P Klimek, G Heiler, ...
Journal of Science Communication 19 (05), 2020
Visibility equalizer cutaway visualization of mesoscopic biological models
M Le Muzic, P Mindek, J Sorger, L Autin, DS Goodsell, I Viola
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 161-170, 2016
Egocentric network exploration for immersive analytics
J Sorger, A Arleo, P Kán, W Knecht, M Waldner
Computer Graphics Forum 40 (7), 241-252, 2021
Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies
J Lasser, J Zuber, J Sorger, E Dervic, K Ledebur, SD Lindner, E Klager, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (185), 20210608, 2021
Decompression of multimorbidity along the disease trajectories of diabetes mellitus patients
N Haug, J Sorger, T Gisinger, M Gyimesi, A Kautzky-Willer, S Thurner, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 11, 612604, 2021
Visual analytics and rendering for tunnel crack analysis: A methodological approach for integrating geometric and attribute data
T Ortner, J Sorger, H Piringer, G Hesina, E Gröller
The Visual Computer 32, 859-869, 2016
Hermes: Guidance-enriched visual analytics for economic network exploration
RA Leite, A Arleo, J Sorger, T Gschwandtner, S Miksch
Visual Informatics 4 (4), 11-22, 2020
Metamorphers: Storytelling templates for illustrative animated transitions in molecular visualization
J Sorger, P Mindek, P Rautek, E Gröller, G Johnson, I Viola
Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 1-10, 2017
A Taxonomy of Integration Techniques for Spatial and Non-Spatial Visualizations
J Sorger, T Ortner, H Piringer, G Hesina, E Gröller
VMV: Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2015
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Articles 1–20