The closed loop between opinion formation and personalized recommendations WS Rossi, JW Polderman, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 9 (3), 1092-1103, 2021
45 2021 Threshold models of cascades in large-scale networks WS Rossi, G Como, F Fagnani
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 6 (2), 158-172, 2017
43 2017 Distributed estimation from relative and absolute measurements WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
IEEE transactions on automatic control 62 (12), 6385-6391, 2017
21 2017 Transient and limit performance of distributed relative localization WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2744-2748, 2012
20 2012 Opinion dynamics with topological gossiping: Asynchronous updates under limited attention WS Rossi, P Frasca
IEEE Control Systems Letters 4 (3), 566-571, 2020
13 2020 Asynchronous opinion dynamics on the -nearest-neighbors graph WS Rossi, P Frasca
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3648-3653, 2018
10 2018 On the convergence of message passing computation of harmonic influence in social networks WS Rossi, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 6 (2), 116-129, 2018
8 * 2018 Average resistance of toroidal graphs WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (4), 2541-2557, 2015
7 2015 Limited benefit of cooperation in distributed relative localization WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5427-5431, 2013
6 2013 Modeling limited attention in opinion dynamics by topological interactions F Ceragioli, P Frasca, WS Rossi
International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization, 272-281, 2021
5 2021 An index for the “local” influence in social networks WS Rossi, P Frasca
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 525-530, 2016
4 2016 Analysis and Control of the Linear Threshold Model of Cascades in Large-Scale Networks. A Local Mean-Field Approach. WS Rossi
Politecnico di Torino, 2015
4 2015 Effects of Network Communities and Topology Changes in Message-Passing Computation of Harmonic Influence in Social Networks WS Rossi, P Frasca
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07093, 2018
1 2018 Mean-field analysis of the convergence time of message-passing computation of harmonic influence in social networks WS Rossi, P Frasca
IFAC-papersonline 50 (1), 2409-2414, 2017
1 2017 Control of the Linear Threshold Model of cascades in large-scale networks WS Rossi, G Como, F Fagnani
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory …, 2016
1 2016 Note on" Average resistance of toroidal graphs" by Rossi, Frasca and Fagnani WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00293, 2017
2017 Distributed Estimation from Relative and Absolute Measurements P Frasca, WS Rossi, F Fagnani
HAL 2017, 2017
2017 Feedback control of the Threshold Model in large-scale networks WS Rossi, G Como, F Fagnani
2017 Effective resistance of toroidal graphs; some sharper results and applications WS Rossi, P Frasca, F Fagnani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.2172, 2013
2013 Open Educational Resources: Too good to be true or the future of education? O Kavatsyuk, HJA Beldhuis, F Bianchi, MB Blikmans, M Buist-Zhuk, ...