Zoe W. Brent
Zoe W. Brent
Institute of Social Studies (ISS); Transnational Institute (TNI)
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Cited by
The global political economy of climate change, agriculture and food systems
J Clapp, P Newell, ZW Brent
The Journal of Peasant Studies 45 (1), 80-88, 2018
Territorial restructuring and resistance in Argentina
ZW Brent
Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions' from Below', 205-228, 2017
The Blue Fix: What's driving blue growth?
ZW Brent, M Barbesgaard, C Pedersen
Sustainability Science 15 (1), 31-43, 2020
Contextualising food sovereignty: The politics of convergence among movements in the USA
ZW Brent, CM Schiavoni, A Alonso-Fradejas
Food Sovereignty, 188-207, 2018
China and Latin America: towards a new consensus of resource control?
BM McKay, A Alonso-Fradejas, ZW Brent, S Sauer, Y Xu
Rural Transformations and Agro-Food Systems, 12-31, 2018
Converging social justice issues and movements: implications for political actions and research
SM Borras Jr, T Moreda, A Alonso-Fradejas, ZW Brent
Third World Quarterly 39 (7), 1227-1246, 2018
Social and solidarity economy in South American regional governance
M Saguier, Z Brent
Global Social Policy 17 (3), 259-278, 2017
The Blue Fix: Unmasking the politics behind the promise of blue growth
ZW Brent, M Barbesgaard, C Pedersen
TNI Issue Brief, 2018
Grounding the US food movement
TM Kerssen, ZW Brent
The new food activism: Opposition, cooperation, and collective action, 284-315, 2017
Regional policy frameworks of social solidarity economy in South America
M Saguier, Z Brent
UNRISD Occasional Paper: Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy, 2014
The ‘tenure guidelines’ as a tool for democratising land and resource control in Latin America
ZW Brent, A Alonso-Fradejas, G Colque, S Sauer
Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements, 141-159, 2020
Toolkit for participatory action research
R Hall, Z Brent, J Franco, M Isaacs, T Shegro
FIAN International, Heidelberg, 2017
Regionalismo y Economía Social y Solidaria en Sudamérica
M Saguier, Z Brent
Revista Relaciones Internacionales 24 (48), 133-154, 2015
The challenge of interpretation and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National …
Z Brent, A Alonso‐Fradejas, SM Borras Jr, G Colque, S Sauer
Global governance/politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice …, 2016
Why the World Bank is neither monitoring, nor complying with the FAO guidelines on responsible tenure of land, fisheries and forests
S Monsalve Suárez, ZW Brent
The challenge of generational renewal in post-industrial farming contexts: regimes of agrarian social reproduction in the Basque Country
ZW Brent
Universidad de Córdoba, UCOPress, 2022
A collective response from food sovereignty scholars on the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy
G Alberdi, MB Zubillaga, Z Brent, G Choplin, P Claeys, M Conti, A Corrado, ...
Marine spatial planning: resolving or entrenching conflicts
T Josse, M Hadiwinata, H Pratama, ZW Brent, M Barbesgaard
Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, 2019
Land Conflicts in Argentina: From resistance to systemic transformation
Z Brent …, 2013
Territorializing local public policy: Building social muscle, sustaining participation in food system transformation
ZW Brent
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 41 (1), 3-19, 2023
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Articles 1–20