Douglas G. Simpson
Douglas G. Simpson
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Robust principal component analysis for functional data
N Locantore, JS Marron, DG Simpson, N Tripoli, JT Zhang, KL Cohen, ...
Test 8, 1-73, 1999
On one-step GM estimates and stability of inferences in linear regression
DG Simpson, D Ruppert, RJ Carroll
Journal of the American Statistical Association 87 (418), 439-450, 1992
Minimum Hellinger distance estimation for the analysis of count data
DG Simpson
Journal of the American statistical Association 82 (399), 802-807, 1987
Hellinger deviance tests: efficiency, breakdown points, and examples
DG Simpson
Journal of the American Statistical Association 84 (405), 107-113, 1989
Breakdown robustness of tests
X He, DG Simpson, SL Portnoy
Journal of the American Statistical Association 85 (410), 446-452, 1990
Recursive nonparametric testing for dose-response relaflonships subject to downturns at high doses
DG Simpson, BH Margolin
Biometrika 73 (3), 589-596, 1986
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine consensus report on potential bioeffects of diagnostic ultrasound: executive summary.
JB Fowlkes
Journal of ultrasound in medicine: official journal of the American …, 2008
Lower bounds for contamination bias: Globally minimax versus locally linear estimation
X He, DG Simpson
The Annals of Statistics 21 (1), 314-337, 1993
Testing for additivity in nonparametric regression
RL Eubank, JD Hart, DG Simpson, LA Stefanski
The Annals of Statistics 23 (6), 1896-1920, 1995
Robust direction estimation
X He, DG Simpson
The Annals of Statistics 20 (1), 351-369, 1992
Infill asymptotics for a stochastic process model with measurement error
HS Chen, DG Simpson, Z Ying
Statistica Sinica, 141-156, 2000
Electrophoresis and chromatography of wheat proteins: available methods, and procedures for statistical evaluation of the data
JA Bietz, DG Simpson
Journal of Chromatography A 624 (1-2), 53-80, 1992
The sandwich (robust covariance matrix) estimator
RJ Carroll, S Wang, DG Simpson, AJ Stromberg, D Ruppert
Unpublished manuscript, 1998
Breakdown points of t-type regression estimators
X He, DG Simpson, G Wang
Biometrika 87 (3), 675-687, 2000
Superthreshold behavior and threshold estimation of ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage in adult mice and rats
JF Zachary, JM Sempsrott, LA Frizzell, DG Simpson, WD O'Brien
ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 48 …, 2001
Intraoperative optical coherence tomography for assessing human lymph nodes for metastatic cancer
RM Nolan, SG Adie, M Marjanovic, EJ Chaney, FA South, GL Monroy, ...
BMC cancer 16, 1-10, 2016
Categorical Regression Analysis of Acute Exposure to Tetrachloroethylene1
DJ Guth, RJ Carroll, DG Simpson, H Zhou
Risk Analysis 17 (3), 321-332, 1997
Functional stability of one-step GM-estimators in approximately linear regression
DG Simpson, VJ Yohai
The Annals of Statistics 26 (3), 1147-1169, 1998
Interval censoring and marginal analysis in ordinal regression
DG Simpson, RJ Carroll, H Zhou, DJ Guth
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 354-376, 1996
Beyond cervical length: A pilot study of ultrasonic attenuation for early detection of preterm birth risk
BL McFarlin, V Kumar, TA Bigelow, DG Simpson, RC White-Traut, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 41 (11), 3023-3029, 2015
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