Andrea C G Mennucci
Andrea C G Mennucci
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Hamilton-Jacobi equations and distance functions on Riemannian manifolds
C Mantegazza, AC Mennucci
arXiv preprint math/0201296, 2002
Sobolev active contours
G Sundaramoorthi, A Yezzi, AC Mennucci
International Journal of Computer Vision 73, 345-366, 2007
Shape analysis of female facial attractiveness
DR Valenzano, A Mennucci, G Tartarelli, A Cellerino
Vision Research 46 (8-9), 1282-1291, 2006
Observing shape from defocused images
P Favaro, A Mennucci, S Soatto
International Journal of Computer Vision 52, 25-43, 2003
Coarse-to-fine segmentation and tracking using Sobolev active contours
G Sundaramoorthi, A Yezzi, A Mennucci
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30 (5), 851-864, 2008
A new geometric metric in the space of curves, and applications to tracking deforming objects by prediction and filtering
G Sundaramoorthi, A Mennucci, S Soatto, A Yezzi
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (1), 109-145, 2011
On asymmetric distances
ACG Mennucci
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 1 (2013), 200-231, 2013
Conformal metrics and true" gradient flows" for curves
A Yezzi, A Mennucci
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 1 …, 2005
New possibilities with Sobolev active contours
G Sundaramoorthi, A Yezzi, AC Mennucci, G Sapiro
International journal of computer vision 84 (2), 113-129, 2009
EM-TV methods for inverse problems with Poisson noise
M Burger, ACG Mennucci, S Osher, M Rumpf, A Sawatzky, C Brune, ...
Level Set and PDE Based Reconstruction Methods in Imaging: Cetraro, Italy …, 2013
Level Set and PDE Based Reconstruction Methods in Imaging: Cetraro, Italy 2008, Editors: Martin Burger, Stanley Osher
M Burger, ACG Mennucci, S Osher, M Rumpf
Springer, 2013
Properties of Sobolev-type metrics in the space of curves
ACG Mennucci, A Yezzi, G Sundaramoorthi
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 10 (4), 423-445, 2008
Sobolev active contours
G Sundaramoorthi, A Yezzi, A Mennucci
International Workshop on Variational, Geometric, and Level Set Methods in …, 2005
Regularity results for solutions of a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations
P Cannarsa, A Mennucci, C Sinestrari
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 140, 197-223, 1997
Metrics in the space of curves
A Yezzi, A Mennucci
arXiv preprint math/0412454, 2004
Introduction to measure theory and integration
L Ambrosio, G Da Prato, A Mennucci
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Tracking with Sobolev active contours
G Sundaramoorthi, JD Jackson, A Yezzi, AC Mennucci
2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2006
Tracking deforming objects by filtering and prediction in the space of curves
G Sundaramoorthi, A Mennucci, S Soatto, A Yezzi
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Gender identity rather than sexual orientation impacts on facial preferences
G Ciocca, E Limoncin, A Cellerino, AD Fisher, GL Gravina, E Carosa, ...
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 11 (10), 2500-2507, 2014
On observing shape from defocused images
A Mennucci, S Soatto
Proceedings 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing …, 1999
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20