Rodrigo P. Rocha
Rodrigo P. Rocha
Professor - Departamento de Física - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
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Cited by
Warnings and Caveats in Brain Controllability
C Tu, RP Rocha, M Corbetta, S Zampieri, M Zorzi, S Suweis
NeuroImage 176, 83-91, 2018
The Widened Pipe Model of plant hydraulic evolution
L Koçillari, ME Olson, S Suweis, RP Rocha, A Lovison, F Cardin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (22), e2100314118, 2021
Homeostatic plasticity and emergence of functional networks in a whole-brain model at criticality
RP Rocha, L Koçillari, S Suweis, M Corbetta, A Maritan
Scientific Reports 8, 15682 (2018), 2018
Recovery of neural dynamics criticality in personalized whole brain models of stroke
RP Rocha, L Koçillari, S Suweis, MDF De Grazia, MT de Schotten, M Zorzi, ...
Nature Communications 13, 3683, 2022
Brain Controllability: not a slam dunk yet
S Suweis, C Tu, RP Rocha, S Zampieri, M Zorzi, M Corbetta
NeuroImage 200, 552-555, 2019
Isolamento social e distanciamento entre políticas públicas e demandas sociais
RP Rocha, JL Tomazelli
SciELO Preprints, 2020
The time-of-flight experiment and the average transit-time
RP Rocha, JA Freire
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (8), 083717, 2012
Relaxation time in disordered molecular systems
RP Rocha, JA Freire
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (20), 204109, 2015
Species survival and scaling laws in hostile and disordered environments
RP Rocha, W Figueiredo, S Suweis, A Maritan
Physical Review E 94 (4), 042404, 2016
FV 4 Mouse resting-state functional neuroimaging displays signatures of criticality
L Kocillari, R Rocha, L Coletta, A Gozzi, S Panzeri
Clinical Neurophysiology 148, e3, 2023
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Articles 1–10